Season 6 Episode 5

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We arrived at the crash site, I studied it curiously while Tau, for fun I guess, ran programs in his head to see how long it would take me to take out everyone in the crash site, then he started doing it with Agent Washington, which he more fun and challenging as he didn't know Wash's fighting style well.

"Ok, you three wait here, I am going to go talk to them." Wash said before walking away.

"So, Mutey, hows Blood Gulch been?" Church asked, looking at Caboose. This is our usuall method of communication, Caboose translates my sign language but he often does it pourly, adding in odd parts he puts together in his mind.

I signed, 'Good, Sister set up Blue Base for Rave's and threw one every night since you guys left. I couldn't stand sleeping in the base because it got too loud so I dragged a mat into the caves. I also stole fatty snacks from Red Base, I still have them, want an oreo?'

Caboose began translating in his unique way, "She says 'Good, Yellow guy set up Blue Base for Birthday Parties!' Man I want to go to one of those. 'She also says the birthday parties were scary and loud so she dragged a mat in the scary caves and threw her own party there.' Oh, and that she has birthday snacks she stole of Red Base."

Church blinked, "Birthday Parties? Who would want to have their birthday party in a box canyon in the middle of nowhere?"

I sighed, pulled out a piece of paper and wrote, 'Raves, not birthday parties, I really need another translator, or need to teach you all our sign language.'

Church read it and chuckled, "Ya, Caboose as your only translator? Bad idea."

Wash started walking back to us so we stopped talking.

Wash sighed once he reached us, "We have a problem."

'Let me guess? The whole crash site is on lockdown, no one can enter.' Tau thought.

"I hope it isn't a math problem." Caboose said.

'Yes, Tau, you are probably right.' I thought back.

"They've got the crash site locked down." Wash said and I heard Tau say, 'I was right!'

"Oh great. We couldn't have found that out on the radio? We had to walk here?" Church said grumpily.

"They said we could use this base if we want," Wash replied.

"Wow, the empty concrete base? Is it our birthday?" Church said sarcastically. Tau distracted me from the conversation my running scenarios in my head about how this sarcastic comment would end. I sadly knew why he was though, without a computer to read up information on he often gets bored. I knew this would start to become a common occurrence as he tried to predict their next words. Or he would try and give me words to sign to Caboose to confuse him to death, that is also another favorite pastime of his. But he predicted this sarcastic conversation perfectly.

"I want cake." Caboose said.

"Can't we find somewhere nicer to hang out? Hey, maybe there's like a cool nightclub nearby that you can't get us into either. That would be awesome." Church said sarcasticly.

"You three just, stay here. I'll go draw off the guards. When I give you the signal, use that grav-lift."

"The what? How do we use it?" Church asked.

"Just step into it. It'll do the rest. Meet me at the ship." Wash said, disappearing. Dang, I miss doing that but such tactical manuvers would be a dead givaway that im not a sim trooper.

"Okay, what's the signal?" Church said, turning around and seeing Wash was gone.

"God dammit, I hate when they do that." Church said.

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