Hidden in Plain Sight

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I walked into the temple's area, looking up at the whole thing.

'Dated as one of the oldest structures, possible alien artifacts.' Tau said in my head.

'Might be why they are here, buy why is Tucker here or is Tucker even here anymore?' I thought.

'I am unable to scan the interior of the temple, the rock reflects everything back.' Tau replied.

'So, guess we are left with slow and gradual information gathering.' I thought.

'Yep. Go right, group of people with the leader which you need to report to.' Tau thought.

'Thanks, buddy.' I replied, going right and under a giant archway.

Up ahead was a group of people and... aliens? How did I not see them when overlooking the area? The people were similarly dressed to the armor camo Tau is running to make me look like this 'Kate' lady. The group parted and I nearly collapsed from shock, but gave no outward look that I was shocked.

'That's.... that's not..... possible.....' I thought, staring wide eyed at the armored leader as I kept walking towards them.

'This information is confusing me, I intercepted old communication that she was dead not long after our arrival on Blood Gulch, yet she is standing here?' Tau said, his confusion poking though.

'Calm, Tau.' I replied.

"Ah, Kate! How did the patrol go?" CT's armor spoke in a male voice.

'Isn't Ct though. There is more going on here than I like. If this man killed CT and took her armor I will make him pay.' I thought.

"Good patrol, didn't see anything out there." I said in Kate's voice.

"Good, Go join sector 17 in excavation, Freddy thinks he's found something." This man in CT's armor said.

"Yes, sir." I said, walking off the the direction Tau highlighted on my hud.

As I walked I spoke with Tau.

'What information did you gather on her death?' I asked.

'Past that communication and some of what I stole from command? Now much. She switched sides, which you already knew. Project Freelancer figured it out and launched a mission to kill her. Mission mostly succeeded, as far as records say.' Tau said, pulling up those documents on my hud. I'm so glad to have my freelancer armor, it is more integrated for A.I. than sim armor.

'Heads up, your about to reach sector 17, this Freddy guy is waiting for you.' Tau said. I looked away from the documents to see a guy with green stripes.

"Kate! Your late! By 5 minutes!" Freddy called.

"Got held up by the boss!" I called out in Kate's voice.

"He put ya on patrol again for disobeying orders?" Freddy asked.

"Yep." I said, rolling with it.

"When are you gonna learn that patrolling slower is only gonna make him give ya more patrols?" Freddy said.

"Sorry." Was all I responded with.

"Well, go over there and sift out the sand, we found parts of an interesting object." Freddy said, pointing me to the sifter.

Greatttt..... I thought.


Let's just say? The next few days were the most boring days I have EVER had. I woke up, patrolled slowly and checked on Kate who didn't seem too bothered she was sort of being held hostage. She was like a female Grif in many ways. After patrol I ate away from the others and went to the sifter, where I sifted sand for the next 7 hours. I had secretly hidden pieces in my armor. At night, after most of them are asleep, I have sneaked around and found an oddity they had yet to notice. The oddity was a depression with markings matching the pieces I have been collecting.

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