Season 10 Episode 3

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I stood back, watching as they raced through the door and into the hallway, Church following in his holographic projection.

"We need to make it outside, chances are that the route we took to get in is now heavily guarded." Carolina said.

'That way, it leads out to the side.' I signed.

Caboose translated, "Mutey says that way leads out to the side." He said, pointing in the same direction I was still pointing. I quickly stopped pointing, stood, and shot a soldier running our way in the foot.

"Good." Carolina said as we all slowly made our way that way. I kept shooting either missing, lucky shots, or shots to kneecaps and feet. A lot of these guys are going to have similar injuries.

Tau was having the time of his life, scanning the place, telling me where targets were and which ways to shoot that would make it look like just pure dumb luck that I hit the soldier. I was having fun too.

'Glad to not be the only A.I. fragment anymore?' I asked, shooting another lucky shot into a soldiers hand.

'Heck yes. Look right, shoot wall, will knock his gun out of his hands.' Tau thought.

I did as he said.

"Seriously, what is with you and lucky shots, Mutey?" Church asked.

"Oh, you should have seen when she got a lucky shot on the pedal of Caboose's warthog! Saved your life from the EMP." Sarge said.

"Wait, what?" Church said.

"It's not an EMP!" Wash called.

"Oh, ya, she threw a knife, the only knife she has. Caboose says she labeled it her lucky knife. Well, she threw the knife wrong but it still ended up stuck in the gas pedal of the warthog when Caboose was trying to stop for your body. I really want her on red team! Then she can use her lucky knife on Grif when he is lazy!" Sarge said.

"Wow, really?" Church said, looking at me. I pulled out the knife, so glad Caboose made an excuse and showed Church. It wasn't anything special and it was actually my most damaged knife. I kept it because.... well.... it was a gift from Connie the last time I saw her. No one else knew she gifted it to me but I decided it was best to only let him see it for a second before putting it away.

"So she is lucky when shooting, can we please keep moving before we all end up dead?" Carolina said angrily.

Soon we made to to the side entrance, Carolina kicked a barricade out for cover before taking aim at the UNSC soldiers guarding the exit. I crouched down by the entrance, like I did with the storage room and shot another kneecap.

"Wash, take that right side." Carolina said as Wash raced out, took cover and killed a guy. I winced but shot another guy in the arm.

"Where's everyone else?!" Wash yelled.

"Working on an extraction plan. They should be here right about-" Carolina began to say when I heard the red's signature music.

I watched Grif's warthog jump over the barricade the UNSC created and kill all the remaining soldiers.

"WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!" Grif yelled before pulling the warthog to a stop in front of us. I look behind me to see Sarge and Caboose run out as I stood, placing my sniper rifle on my back.

"" Carolina finished, seeming unaffected by the red's dramatics.

"Sup." Grif said like some cool kid who arrived at a party.

"Damn you Private Grif! You took out those two soldiers before I could administer my legal brand of red justice. Now where's Simmons?" Sarge said.

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