Season 8 Episode 3

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I stopped a distance behind the reds, watched as Epsilon hid and Sarge jumped out of the jeep.

I used my sniper rifle to listen in.

"Ok, Grif, remember the plan?" Sarge said.

"Yes! I wait till you say Shotgun and then ram through the wall! If I get crushed by falling debre I am blaming you." Grif said.

"Eh, it was worth it." Sarge said before disappearing.

I moved forward silently, my grey armor tones camo triggered. The reds wouldn't recognise me if they saw me.

'So what really is your plan here, Veronica?' Tau questioned.

'Keep the reds safe and maybe beat Wash's ass for trying to hurt my group.' I thought.

'Sounds... reasonable. But what of Maine?' He asked.

'I.... don't know.' I thought sadly, 'Fight him if I absolutely have to.

"Of course I get stuck sitting here for the next hour, my luck." Grif grumbled as I hid behind some green shrubbery. I looked to see Epsilon had left his hiding spot and was exploring a bit away from the sight.

"Maroon 1, Maroon 1, where are you?" I hear Sarge call through the wall.

"Freeze! Stay where you are. Turn around." I heard a bit later. Wash.

"Well, well. If it isn't our good buddy, Agent Washington. And just what are you doing here?" I heard Sarge say, the wall making their voices muffled but I could hear.

"Don't play dumb with me Sarge. I think you know why I'm here. Where's the rest of your guys? Where's Epsilon?" Wash asked.

'Good thing Epsilon is distracted.' I thought, watching him fly farther away as he explored.

'Should keep him busy for a while.' Tau responded.

"Someplace safe." I heard faintly from Sarge.

"You can either tell me, or you can tell the Meta back at the base." Wash said.

"The Meta is here?" Sarge said, pretending like he didn't already know he was here.

'Geez, maybe Sarge could be like some ultra detective with being able to tell all that and not even I picked up on it.' Tau thought.

"Yes, and he really wants a chance to repay you guys for all the trouble you caused him." Wash said.

"I seemed to recall you caused him some of that trouble yourself." Sarge said.

'Oh, I so want to punch Wash in the face for turning on us when he was the one that brought us all back together.' I thought angrily.

'Control your temper, Veronica. Maybe after this we do some more meditation, you sound like you need it.' Tau thought.

'Fine.' I thought angrily.

"Situation's changed. Now drop your weapons." Wash said.

Silence fell for a moment, presumably as Sarge dropped his weapons.

"Just so you know, I'm going to want that back in a minute." Sarge said.

'I never knew Sarge to be an expert at lying.' I thought.

'Ya, it's shocking me too.' Tau thought.

"I said, drop your weapon." Wash said.

"All my weapons?" Sarge said.

'Classic Sarge, not wanting to give up any of his weapons.' I thought.

"Yes." Wash said.

"You sure? Maybe I can just keep the pistol. You know these things aren't effective as they used to be." Sarge said.

"Drop it. Now!" Wash said, sounding mad.

'I'm gonna make Wash regret his choice by punching him hard enough he turns into mush....' I thought angrily to myself.

'Calm.' Tau thought.

"That's what people say." Sarge said after a moment.

"Good. Now march." Wash said.

"Son. You can insult me, you can ambush me, you can even take away my weapons. But if you think I'm going to set one single pinky toe inside Blue Base without my "shotgun", you must not know who you're dealing with." Sarge said, emphasizing 'shotgun'.

"I said move." Wash said as I noticed Grif was sleeping.

'Dumbass.' I thought, trying to find a rock to throw at the idiot.

"And I said "shotgun"." Sarge said as I continued to search.

"Yes... I have your shotgun." Wash said, beginning to get confused at Sarge's actions.

"No, I mean, "shotgun"." Sarge said again.

"What is this? You think I'm going to give you back your shotgun because you asked?" Wash said, really confused now.

I threw the rock I found at Grif, making him snort and sit up, looking around. I hid well.

"I said "shotgun"! Faces the wall "Shotgun", damn it!" Sarge said as I sneaked behind Grif's warthog and hopped onto the back, hunched up to keep myself hidden.

"Oh, yeah! Shotgun. That's my cue." Grif said, hearing Sarge's words and bagan driving at full speed towards the wall.

"What? Wait, what're you up to? What is that noise? Do I hear a..." I could hear Wash say before we smashed through the wall. I wince as pieces fall all around us, some nearly hitting me before I hear a Thump! from the front. Grif hit Wash.

I see a flash of red as we pass Sarge.

"...CAR?!?!" I heard Wash say in shock.

"How's my bumper taste, asshole?!" Grif yelled as I climbed up as sneakily as possible, pistol out because I know Wash could come back from being hit by a car.

I see Wash's hand fly up, trying to grab onto something.

"Uh, Oh!" Grif said.

I watch as Wash climbs up, battle rifle out. I needed Grif to duck so I could shoot, mostly because I didn't want anyone to know another unknown person was here but it was likely that Sarge saw me on the back of Grif's Warthog.

"Oh, no!" Grif said.

I grinned as Grif ducked down. Wash froze in shock at seeing me, shooting at Grif before trying to shoot me. I shot the gun out of Wash's hand.

"Yikes!" I heard Grif say before the car swerved, nearly throwing me off as I scrambled for purchase. I looked up to see Wash flying and watched, smirking, as Sarge stole back his shotgun.

I quickly slid down the side of the warthog and on the side so I couldn't be seen, my grey armor very closely matching the warthog.

"How 'bout next time we use a code word, we choose something you don't say every five seconds?" Grif said, trying to cover up that he was asleep. I smirked.

"Just drive, numbnuts." Sarge said as Grif got the car moving again. I peeked over the side to see Sarge standing up in his seat, aiming his shotgun at Wash.

"Agent Wash..." Sarge said, cocking his gun, "You just got-" Sarge began to say before firing too early, sending the place Wash was standing up in smoke and explosions.

"Ah, damn it. I messed up my one-liner!" Sarge said in annoyance.

"Hey, Grif, did you see a person in grey armor?" Sarge asked Grif, making my hunch down again, hugging the side of the Warthog as it drove.

"No, why?" Grif asked.

"A person I grey armor shot Wash's gun out of his hand when Wash was shooting at you. I kind of what to know who it is." Sarge said.

"Huh, now that you speak of it I did see Wash freeze up for a second, but there is on one else on the jeep, is it a phantom?" Grif asked.

"Grif, what did we talk about using big words for simple terms?" Sarge said.

"Sorry, sir, a ghost." Grif said.

"That's better! Also, if we have a ghost following us, keeping us from dying, then I am okay with that!" Sarge said happily.

I smirked, if only they knew.

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