Season 6 Episode 7

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"Okay. I have a great idea. Let's all put down our guns, and not shoot anyone else that we're trying to help." Church said, backing away from Washington.

Honestly, I kind of cared and didn't care. Agent South was always a bitch to me because I was the silent, stealthy type, the exact opposite of her. But if Agent's like South are alive.... is CT? She was the one who.... never mind, I remember the records Tau stole from Project Freelancer a few years later, CT is dead.

"Relax." Wash said.

I went and picked up my bag, bringing it over.

"Exactly. Let's all relax." Church looked at the bag, "Oh, come on, really Mutey? You brought your bag of weird things with you? How in the world do you keep a hold of that thing?!" Church said. It was miracle that, over the years, the bag that holds my old freelancer armor and weaponry was unscratched.

Caboose spoke, "I saw some of the things from her bag of mysteries." Caboose said before whispering awfully, "She hides a unicorn in there."

I rolled my eyes, though they couldn't see it.

"Agent South had already shot me in the back once before, and she tried to give up Delta to the enemy. I wasn't going to wait around to see if she decided to do it again." Wash said, trying to get the conversation back on track.

"Right, okay, sure..." Church said, backing up some more.

I just continued to stand there. If Wash was truly insane I could judo flip him in seconds, I may not have been as good as Carolina in fighting but I was top of the class in the element of surprise, probably why Project Freelancer still hasn't found me, I covered my tracks well.

"Stop talking to me like that." Wash said.

"We're not talking to you like anything." Church said.

"No one is talking to you like this..." Caboose also spoke in the same voice.

"You don't need to treat me like that. I'm not crazy, okay? At least Mutey realizes that." I shook my head, something Wash did not catch, "I'm totally completely sane. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go blow up this dead body." wash said, walking away.

I dragged my bag towards the two blue members and stood by them, looking in Wash's directions as he set up explosive barrels around Agent South's body.

"Hey, hey uh, uh, green guy." Church said.

"I'm blue." Caboose said.

'He mean's Delta.' I signed at the same time that Church said, "Delta"

"Oh, him." Caboose said.

Delta appeared, I guess more of his system go to logic thinking than his holographic projection, he was the oldest and least detailed version of our armor.

"Hello. How may I be of assistance?" Delta asked.

"Hey yeah, uh, what's the deal with this guy?" Church said.

I signed, "I think he is crazy, that many explosive barrels for blowing up a body?'

Behind me, I heard lots of shots. Geez, rage much Wash?

Delta repeated what I said before speaking aloud, "Destruction of unused armor or equipment is standard recovery procedure."

"Yeah, no, I mean is he like a whack-job or what?" Church said.

I heard Wash throw a grenade now. How much does he seriously hate South? I'm trying to remember if I ever saw the two get into large fights. I don't really remember that.

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