Season 8 Episode 16 and 17

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I looked at Tucker and Caboose.

'So, what you guys want to do?' I asked.

"Eh, stand around, do nothing. The usual." Tucker said.

'Well, I'm gonna go take a look around, might find something interesting.' I signed.

"Sure, whatever." Tucker said as I walked off.

I walked among the shelves of stuff, looking at different objects, weapons, armor. Nothing really interesting to me, most of my armors enhancements were already upgraded when we got into the warehouse of command. But, it was worth a look.

I stopped a picked up a healing unit.

'Huh, this will be use-' I stopped, looking behind me quickly as a blur of orange passed, speaking at fast speeds.

'Uhhh.....' I thought.

'I think... that was Grif.' Tau responded.

'What the fuck did they do?' I wondered.

'Guess we should find out and yes, that is a healing unit. Nothing like the healing unit that York had but it will do a lot better than your integrated healing unit would.' Tau said.

'Sweet.' I thought, installing it.

I quickly ran down the hallways until a found Simmons standing alone.

"Oh, you probably saw Grif, am I correct?" He said.

I nodded.

"Ya... we tried putting one of those armor enhancements on him? It sort of... malfunctioning." Simmons said.

I smacked my helmet.

"Ya......" Simmons said.

We waited and watched. Then a blur of orange rounded the corner.

"Slow down, slow down! Grif, slow down!" Simmons called.

I watched as Grif raced past us and straight into a wall.

"Yeeeeeha- OW!" He said.

"Hey, asshole. Are you dead?" Simmons said.

"Ow, whoa Simmons did you see that? Did you see? I saw it! I saw it, totally! Did you see? I hit that wall! That was fast! Man that was super fast! I'm so fast! God, so fast! Why is it so hot in here?" Grif said, speaking so fast I nearly couldn't understand him.

'Ya, nothing i can do about this situation.' Tau responded.

'I know, it's on a timer anyways as a precaution, let it run its course.' I thought.

"Grif! Calm down!" Simmons nearly yelled.

"I'm calm! I'm totally calm? Why don't you be calm? Why would you say to be calm when you know I'm already calm? Isn't it obvious that I'm calm? That doesn't even make any sense! You should make some sense! Why is it so hot in here?" Grif said, seeming to talk fast and faster.

"What in Sam Hell is all the racket?" I heard Sarge say suddenly and turned to see him approaching.

"What are you doing here, blue?" He asked me.

I held up a pre-packaged thing of food stored here, something I picked up because I was hungry.

"Oh." Sarge said.

"Hey Sarge! What's up Sarge! Simmons is doing some experiments and I'm helping him Sarge! Right now we're doing one where everyone talks slow and the lights are super bright and I can smell clouds and man is it so hot in here!" Grif said.

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