The Desert Temple

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I drove through the desert, helmet off, letting the wind blow through my hair as I sang out to songs on the radio, blasting out heavy metal, which is my favorite music.

"I should have know these walls would cave in..." I was singing out loud to one of my favorites, Hurricane by Theory of a Deadman. It's old music to most of the human race, being created back before we became a space faring race but my dad was a fan of the classic's, my mom was pale, blonde hair lady with blue eyes. Only thing i got from her was her eyes, my tan skin and dark brown hair came from my dad. He had a love for everything classic, not just music. Around my wrist, under my armor, is an old charm bracelet, used to be popular back in the day. Hanging off of it was a set of headphones, sunglasses, a microphone, a guitar, and a note. The thing was old and rusty but I loved it and kept it safely protected under my armor at all times. Now even Maine knew of it as I hardly ever fully took off my armor. I was a bit like Wash that way.

My mind fell back down memory lane....

I sat, devouring a sopaipilla, which I finally figure out how to make correctly. I also had a bottle of honey sitting them to me.

"Seriously, Ver, your going to give yourself a heart attack one day eating these foods." I heard York say as he sat down with his food.

I swallowed, "I was raised on the best of Mexican food. Bet half of you have never even tried Sopaipilla's. They are the heaven of Mexican foods. Or appetizers, if you want to call it that." I said.

"And what about the pile of stolen sweets in you room?" York questioned.

I stiffened a little, "What pile do you refer to, York? I don't steal sweets."

He reached over and pulled an entire Hershey's bar from the pocket in my armor.

"Want to say that again?" He said, breaking the bar in half to keep half for himself.

"Uhhhh....." I said stupidly.

"You know she has the strongest metabolism of all of us, I've seen her eat three bag of M&M's, four Hershey bars, twelve bags of Doritos and not gain a pound." Wash said in his high pitched shocked voice as he sat down, eating a banana.

"What can I say? Runs in the family, I guess." I shrugged, pouring a generous amount of honey on my Sopaipilla, stuffing the rest of it in my mouth.

"What even is that you are eating?" Wash questioned with a mouth full of banana.

"Oh, here we go again...." I heard York say.

"Wash! This is my family's history here, my ancestors made this food all the time! Sopaipilla's are just the tip of the iceberg, so to say. My grandma made me best homemade Sopaipilla's ever. I am going to get you to try Mexican food someday." I said, pointing at him.

His baby blue eyes went wide.

"Uhhh...." Wash began to say after he swallowed his banana.

"Just go with it, Wash." York said.

Wash shut up and when back to eating, I did the same.

I cleaned off my fingers and sighed, looking at the bottle of honey.

"Well, looks like no more Sopaipillas for me till I can steal another bottle." I said, staring at the empty bottle of honey.

"You are seriously going to kill yourself eating like that one day." York said.

"Hey, I'll go out happy because I ate great food." I said, patting my nonexistent stomach fat.

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