Season 7 Episode 12 and 13

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I looked outside through the hole in the wall while Tucker stood nearby.

'Wait... is that...?' I thought, looking at the two in red and orange simulation armor.

'Yep, it is.' Tau replied.

I turned the sniper rifle and saw.... Caboose? Going towards the freighter? Oh no.

I stepped away, put my sniper rifle on my back, and began to sign quickly.

'It's the reds and Caboose! They are in trouble!' I signed

"Then let go save those assholes, maybe they will have brought more snacks." Tucker said, racing away to the door.

I followed him and stopped next to the door.

"Okay, I'm gonna run in, you get on top of the temple here and give some cover fire." Tucker said.

'Huh, and he's not a bad leader either, who are you and what happened to Tucker?' I thought.

I nodded to Tucker, pulling my sniper rifle off my back. Tucker opened the door. I raced out and quickly climbed to a safe and hidden area on top, laying down, and began to shoot as aliens and humans raced towards the door, guns out.

I followed Tucker and saw Smith man a machine gun. I shot the weak part of the barrel, make it malfunction. I was also confused to see the freighter moving? I didn't question it, continuing to shoot. One man got so close he nearly got in so I threw a knife down, something I will have to cover up before the reds and blues return to the temple. I took out one last guy by shooting him in the leg and hopped down, taking out the knife and cleaning it as best I can before stowing it away. I already nearly exposed myself to the reds before when I threw a knife into Caboose's gas petal back at the Freelancer compound, don't need to give them more evidence. I planned on claiming that knife under luck though.

"Hey guys! Run for the temple! I'll cover you, hurry!" I heard Tuck call from the distance, guess he found them. I shot another who got too close to the entrance

"Oh—my—Tucker!! Is that you!?" I heard from Caboose.

"Yeah, of course it's me! Now move!" Tucker nearly shouts.

Silence falls for a bit as i take out more guys from the door of the temple.

"What is this, some kind of fucking reunion!? Move your asses, idiots, Mutey will cover you! I'll meet you over there!" Tucker yelled.

I kept shooting til I spotted Grif, Sarge, and Caboose round the corner. I waved them to hurry up as I took out a guy chasing them. Soon, they were at the doors, guarding them with me.

"Where the fuck is Tucker?" Grif called, shooting another guy.

"Here!" Tucker said, stabbing another guy with the energy sword.

"Guys, hold them off! I'll get the door!" Tucker called, racing past us into the temple.

We all move inside as Tucker shuts the door.

"There!" Tucker said, walking up to us.

"Tucker! And Mutey!" Caboose said happily, hugging me. i held my arms awkwardly in the air, used to his hugs.

"Hey, Caboose and don't you dare give me a hug." Tucker threatened.

"Oh, hey look, it's that guy." Grif said in a bored voice, "And that annoying girl." he added.

I smacked him over the head. Ah, I missed my stress relievers, you know, beating these assholes up when they annoy me.

"You brought these guys? Are we killin' each other today? Or pretending to work together?" Tucker asked, sword still out.

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