A Cool Off

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Blue, Black, and Honey were at the house, Blackberry had locked himself in his room, Honey and Blue were trying to make him come out.

Dream sighed putting his cape on teleporting over to the house, the door was opened and he slipped on through.

"Blackberry come one Dream said he forgave you!" Honey shouted through the door.

"Black please come out!!" Blueberry begged, neither of them noticed Dream enter the house. Dream snickered a bit and walked up the stairs. 

"I did say I forgave you!" Dream said, making Blue and Honey jump. Dream laughed as he got to the door and knocked on it. Honey withered to the ground clutching his chest where a SOUL or heart would be, Blue and Dream laughed at Honey's reaction. But Blackberry was still in his room.

Dream took the liberty of teleporting in Blackberry's room. Dream looked at Blackberry who was curled up on the floor sleeping! Dream quietly laughed and laughed unlocked the door and opened it. 

"He's asleep." Dream announced closing the door when he got out of the room. Honey looked like he was about to melt.

"So we've been talking to my sleeping brother for the past hour... When we could've been sleeping?!" Honey mopped. Blue looked at the door and the couch, he let out a tired laugh and dragged himself to the couch. Honey was still on the floor, Dream helped Honey to his feet and laughed as he pulled him to his room.

Honey moaned and pouted about all the sleep he could've had. He plopped onto his bed and fell asleep as soon as he hit the mattress. Dream backed out of the room and shut the door doing the same to exit the house. He waved goodbye to sleeping Blue as he teleported to where he felt Error energy.

A/N: Is it me or are these chapters kinda short... Well anyway I hope you enjoyed it!!! I am hoping to get a lot of chapters posted today.

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