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A/N: I dedicate this picture to pieceofaucrap and you the readers without any of you this story wouldn't be as great or fun to make! Anyway sorry for the sentiment... here is the final (AND LONGEST CHAPTER I EVER WROTE DOWN!!) Chapter~ Enjoy! 

WARNING!!: Lemon and Lime material is contained in this final chapter, you have been warned!!

It had been about a year since the incident... Dream and Error had been together through the year and Dream and Error had a house now. Dream hadn't seen Error all day and was a little nervous because Error never told him that he was leaving.

Error had been in Dust's old AU, since Dust had allowed him to use it for Error's and Dream's anniversary. Though the house was off limits Error made due with what he had and was excited to show Dream.

Dream scratched at his arms, his metal had been taken off a few months ago and he was still adjusting, he sat on his bed his bed. 'I should've told him a long time ago...' Dream beat himself up, he still hadn't told Error about what 'Ink' had done to him, though he worked through it and was over it, well that's what he believed. Dream frankly didn't want to bring it up, but he needed to tell Error if he wanted Error to trust him.

'I'll tell him when he gets back...' Dream made up his mind, Error's and Dream's anniversary was coming up, Dream was excited and nervous for it. It would be tomorrow that Dream and Error would officially be together for a year.

Error returned to the castle he was dressed up in cleaner and new-ish clothes that he made for special occasions, he barely ever wears it. Error knocked on Dream's door Dream tensed as Error opened the door, but relaxed upon seeing Error.

"Hey Ruru~" Dream sighed leaning back on the bed legs crossed. 

"H3y H0n.. ." Error smiled brightly, "I have a surprise for you~" Error looked to proud, Dream didn't want to ruin his happiness. 'later... I'll tell him later.' Dream decided. 

"Do I need to change for it?" Dream asked noticing Error's get up. 

"You c4n cH4ng3 whEn We g3T tH3re." Error nodded. Dream smiled and grabbed a short dress with beautiful patterns.

"It's gOiNg to be A lIttL3 c0ld for th4t~" Error warned, Dream nodded motioning to his jacket on him. Error chuckled and sighed, he had a heavier jacket that Dream could wear later. Dream smiled and hugged Dream as he opened a portal to the AU.

Error did honestly try to get the dust out of anything he could, but since they would only be staying the Inn Error saw no need to o further than the entrance and exit of Snowdin, but the place still had so much dust. 

Error carried Dream through the portal and put Dream down on the snow. Error spun Dream around a bit and held Dream's hand in his. He pulled Dream along as he closed the portal. Dream looked around as Error pulled him along trying to figure out which AU this was. 

Error picked up Dream lifting him over the steps to the inside of the once dust covered Inn. Error had even fixed the lights for the Inn. The Inn had a warm atmosphere and was warm inside, Error didn't like the heat too much, but the upstairs was pretty cold so he would get used to it. The counter and stairs were restained and the couch was new as well, but the cushions were removed. The carpet was replaced and the walls were repainted too. 

On the counter was a pair of white-pink, white-blue laced, and gold patterned ice skates. They were new and freshly made with love.

Dream saw the skates and squirmed out of Error's arms giving Error a tight hug. He jumped up and down in the room, 'We're going Ice-Skating!!' Dream cheered happily, he loved the skates and told Error so.

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