An Idiotic Move

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A/N: Those two up there is Template (Error), and Pale (Ink). They have no relation or part in the story, but I just like the picture~

"Th4t's R3d'S J4ck3t. 1nK h4$ $c4r3D h1m $3n$3leSs, try off3riNg h1m a b0tTl3 0f MuSt4rd, 1 4m pr3Tty sUre h1s r34Cti0n w1ll b3 s1m1L4r... Th1$ is 0uR ReD, But 1nK h4s D0n3 $0m3 seR10us d4mag3 To h1m 1f h3 1s scAr3D of h1s jacK3t." Error kept himself from looking at Red.

"Wh4t3ver 1nk d1d tO h1m hE suRe d1dn't w41t... y0u w0uld hE d0 th1s to n3Xt?" Error asked.

"R3d'$ pErs0n4l1Ty 1s d1fF3rEnt s0 th4t'$ why 1s AppEaR4nC3 1s d1fF3R3nt.. ." Error explained into more detail, Error had experienced the same thing in the Anti-VOID, but on a slower than anyone should experience, that was even before Fate intervened.

"Sci and Blue have been missing longer than Dream, what if it's them that's next? And the fact that he has probably put metal on everyone means he can shock and control them, how are we going to free them unless Red helps us?" Nightmare looked at Red.

"But he is scared by the slightest noise, how can he help?" Black snapped.

"I-I-I'm n-not d-d-deaf! I-I-I pr-pr-promised Dream I-I-I'd help!" Red said looking at Nightmare, but his body still pressed on the wall.

"Who was all with you? We need to know how much medical equipment we need, after that well take you to your brother and tell him the truth." Nightmare said

"D-Dream, B-b-Blue, S-s-Sci, some k-k-kids... and th-there was a-a-another monster, b-but I-I-I d-d-don't r-r-remember h-his n-n-name, HE s-s-screwed t-t-the m-m-monster u-u-up t-to look l-l-like me." Red stuttered and slowly stood up ignoring the jacket as best as he could.

"Is that monster the reason you're scared of your 'jacket'?" Nightmare asked, Error watched Red soaking in every word and movement Red made.

"N-n-n-no, HE u-u-u-u-used th-the ja-jacket a-a-against m-my S-S-SOUL t-t-trait. Th-that's h-h-h-how HE starts..." Red motioned to his eye lights, Nightmare nodded, he was gaining more questions than answers, but it would be better if Red took some time to calm down and get used to everything again.

"Do you want us to take you back to your brother?" Nightmare asked.

"O-o-o-okay..." Red was uncertain, if he did or not.

"$0m3OnE shoUld $t4y w1th hIM iN Ca$e 1nk dEcIdes to c0M3 b4ck!" Error said, Red tensed at the mention of Ink's name.

"There is still a lot of unanswered questions!!" Geno shouted, making Red jump. Nightmare held a finger up as he guided Geno out the door with a tentacle.

"Red isn't ready for that! Can't you see he is traumatized?! Let him go home first we can ask when he is better." Nightmare suggested.

"His brother will only make his condition worse! We need to keep him here!" Geno insisted. Nightmare rubbed his forehead.

"We'll ask Red if he is up to more questions if not then we are taking him home and wait to ask questions later." Nightmare said putting his hand on the door knob.

"I-I-I-I w-w-want to h-h-help!" Red said opening the door himself, he was still shaking.

"You can't if you're not in a good tip top condition. I really want you to go home and rest, you desperately need it and later we will come and get you when you are feeling better." Nightmare put a hand on his shoulder.

"I-I-I'll g-g-go home..." Red looked at Nightmare

"You won't get much sleep there!" Geno argued.

"I-I-I-I w-w-won't get m-m-much sl-sl-sleep here." Red looked back to Geno as allowed everyone back into the room.

"But--" Geno started again

"H3 MaDe h1$ chOic3 GenO, LeAVe HiM bE!" Error silenced Geno, Geno deflated and let it go.

"I'll T4Ke y0U hOme." Error offered his hand to Red, Red hesitantly took it and Error didn't even glitch as Red touch him. Error took Red out into the hall. Blackberry was in the room as Red was gone, he want to know what they found out. Nightmare put his hands on Geno's shoulders.

"Look Geno I know you want the kids back but rushing him won't help anyone, it will only make things worse so calm down and be patient we'll find them." Nightmare sighed.

A portal opened and a blaster sounded off putting everyone on edge as a scuffed up, glitching Error ran to the door.

"WH3R3'$_1NK!!" Error shouted searching the room and bled.

"Ink's not here... Did Red make it to his AU safely?" Nightmare asked.

"R3D? He'S aWAk3?" Error asked, Nightmare froze.

"Shit! That was Ink!!" Nightmare realized, 'that's why he didn't glitch!' Nightmare groaned.

"WH4T?!" Error straightened. Nightmare immediately opened a portal, grabbing Error by the arm with a tentacle.

"He was disguised as you!" Nightmare beat himself up a bit. Jumping through the portal, and making several more searching for the AU Ink would have gone.

"WhY w0uLd h— 0k4Y dumB qU3$T1On.. . H0W dID yOu nOt NoT1cE?!" Error snapped

"He acted like you! So we figured he was you!" Nightmare he ran through portal after portal.

"H3 c4N'T gl1tCH!!!" Error shouted as Nightmare pulled him along.

"He had your voice down to a 'T'! I think that's how he got to Dream too!" Nightmare huffed a bit already starting to get out of breath.

Nightmare entered Underfell, Error senses Ink's presence and stopped Nightmare.

"Y34hiT w4$. .." Error agreed and glared at Ink when he saw him.

A/N: Woooooo!! Fight!!! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!!! Damn you guys have a great day!

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