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Dream sighed he knew he had to leave, so he made a portal to Nightmare's Castle. Dream couldn't go to the 'good guy's' base, if that even existed anymore. 

Monsters gathered around Dream eagerly searching for Nightmare, they couldn't believe Nightmare was gone. Dream pushed through them tear marks on his face. Horror and Blackberry were one of the few that looked for Nightmare, Honey had come to confirm if Nightmare was missing, he comforted Blackberry when this was finally confirmed to be true.

"It's okay we'll get him back!" Honey encouraged Dream and scooped him in a hug, Blackberry rejected Honey's comfort, but he took a donut that Honey made. Honey held out a chocolate donut for Dream. Dream stayed silent and took the donut. Being in the castle Dream blamed himself more for Nightmare being taken.

"Where's Nightmare?" A monster asked.

"Is he really gone?" Monsters wondered

"Shit we're screwed!!" A monster commented. 

Monsters were beginning to panic so Cross took the stand.

"CALM DOWN EVERYONE! NIGHTMARE MIGHT NOT BE HERE! BUT I SWEAR TO YOU WE WILL GET HIM BACK!!" Cross tried to calm everyone. Blackberry looked at Dream for reassurance of this. Dream nodded nibbling on his donut, his tears refused to stop coming. Blackberry nodded and looked down at his feet.

Some monsters cheered, some planned on revolting or leaving when Cross said this.

"SHUT UP!! NIGHTMARE CARE FOR ALL OF YOU HE MIGHT OF NOT SHOWED IT BUT HE DID CARE FOR YOU ALL!" Dream shouted he couldn't believe whet he was hearing. 'Why would these monsters even consider revolting or leaving Nightmare! I thought they were his LOYAL people!!' Dream though his anger boiled over at this revelation.

"I know he cared otherwise I would be a pile of dust right now!" Killer said.

 "I'd still be in my dust covered AU right now" Dust huffed.

"My bro and I would have starved to death without Nightmare." Horror said.

"Nightmare is the reason I am still in this lively group and the only reason I stand up here!" Cross shouted.

"Nightmare helped me control my anger." Blackberry whispered.

"We look at you for reassurance that you will help us, you know Ink better than anyone in here!" Red said without even a single hint of sarcasm. Dream sighed with relief.

"I know somethings about Ink, but Error knows the 'true' Ink better than me!" Dream said.

"Then tell us how to proceed!" Cross said, they were ready to follow orders and were listening intently.

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