Cheap Shot

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Nightmare growled and shoved a tentacle through Ink.

"To think I'd finally care..." Nightmare snarled. The Ink dusted, letting the others surround Nightmare.

"I can't believe you actually believed him!!" Inks laughed

"Well so much for being nice... and to think you actually love Dream... when all you're emotions come from tubes of paint, you could never truly love him." Nightmare hissed and the Inks closed in.

"I do love Dream. The question is do you?" The Inks snarled holding their paintbrushes ready to strike.

"I do truly love him, otherwise I wouldn't have kept him and you'd still be making him suffer, oh wait, never mind you continue to do that." Nightmare continued to push.

The Inks scoffed attacking Nightmare, pushing Nightmare back on his back and pinning every bit of him down.

"If you love Dream so much then you would have shown Dream the Nightmare that he misses so much! The brother you can no longer be." The real Ink was on top of Nightmare.

"You think I haven't?" Nightmare tilted his head and managed to grab Ink's wrist.

"I am still that monster." Nightmare squeezed Ink's wrist tightly. Ink kneed Nightmare's ribcage.

"You are really aggressive towards your brother, I don't even think you mean to be. I remember when you were so sweet, but now you can't give someone a proper compliment without say something snarky later." Ink smiled kneeing Nightmare again.

"My SOUL has change since you planes out my life and created me, I changed my DESTINY, screw FATE!!!" Nightmare roared. Ink didn't understand nor did he even try to. As he punched Nightmare.

"You don't even know your creator! This is hilarious!!" Nightmare laughed

"My creator? Look who's insane now!" Ink scoffed.

"Error knows more about you than you do yourself!" Nightmare chuckled.

"Then we're even." Ink said darkly. Nightmare ignored the comment.

"You're the reason he destroys, buddy." Nightmare smirked.

"Says you!" Ink growled kneeing Nightmare even harder, Nightmare groaned.

"Oh I can't wait for karma to bite you in the ass." Nightmare laughed. Ink hit Nightmare again and again.

"I can't wait until that happens." Ink said sarcastically.

"Me neither." Nightmare groaned again, his dark matter becoming thinner and thinner trying to heal itself, Nightmare only had half of his nightmare form showing.

"Wonder what Error would do?" Nightmare snickered weakly.

"Yeah well what CAN he do? He is weak." Ink said hitting Nightmare once again.

"What would he say to that?" Nightmare snarled trying to move his tentacles. "Every action has consequences..." Nightmare answered his own question.

"I have faced more consequences than you octopus!" Ink snapped punching Nightmare again, Ink's eye lights disappeared.

"Think about my other form!" Nightmare roared lifting up only to be slammed right back down into the dirt.

"Think about how I lost my SOUL!!!" Ink slammed his fist at a lethal speed next to Nightmare's skull. Nightmare bit his tongue to keep himself from shrinking back.

Ink really needed Nightmare alive no matter how badly he wanted to kill him.

"That's just a cover story! You're Fate's chosen child!" Nightmare smirked his tongue was bleeding a bit from the force he had used.

"STOP LYING TO ME!!!!" Ink roar clutching Nightmare cloak and clothes tightly, Ink was trying not hit Nightmare.

"I'm not a liar. You're just learning why Error destroys. He is forced to because Fate destroyed his AU, when you started creating too many AUs, this is your fault!" Nightmare snapped lifting up again.

"Who the hel— ERROR DESTROYS BECAUSE HE CAN AND BECAUSE HE CAN HE DOES!!!" Ink screamed and slammed Nightmare back down, he refused to release Nightmare.

"No, if you haven't even noticed his check box is completely covered in code. If it was uncovered then you'd know the truth. Since you can only cover a check box and not change it." Nightmare groaned loudly as Ink repeated the action, actually lifting Nightmare up and down.

Ink gave Nightmare one final push down onto the ground.

"Kinky~" Nightmare coughed, he wanted to try to get under Ink's 'skin', Ink glared at Nightmare his fingers now digging into Nightmare's bones. Nightmare's mouth gapped and twisted in pain, but he feed off of Inks' anger.

Ink yanked his wrist from Nightmare and hit punched him again, his grip on Nightmare was beginning to slip as he still had him pinned down. Nightmare had a pained smile on his face, making Ink even more mad.

"I love it when you're mad~" Nightmare coughed.

"You do huh?" Ink leaned in letting his eye lights turn red, Ink held his paintbrush in one of his hands.

"How much?" Ink asked his face in Nightmare's.

"It gives me strength." Nightmare head butted Ink and yanked his self up, he pulled his body free twisting himself around and killing the clones with his tentacles.

Ink hit the floor dropping his paintbrush, he quickly grabbed it and rolled over to his feet. He held his nasal bone and looked at his hand. His nose was bleeding, he smiled angrily at Nightmare and held his paintbrush in both hands and let his nose bleed as he got ready to fight.

Nightmare stumbled back, a bit light headed, but quickly gained his balance and went into his fighting stance.

A/N: Lookie lookie another chappie! I am in a Haunted House tomorrow, I am so excited!! It's my first ever haunted house! Also BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE CHAPTER 5 is released TOMORROW as well!!! So pumped!

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