Heartbreaks And Heart Grows

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A/N: SO PRECIOUS!!!!!!! X3

Dream sighed and smiled with relief Cross was finally gone. Dust had a face of utter terror and covered it up with a frown.

"Listen... I'll talk to you later... keep Papyrus company while I am gone." Dust said and rusted to Nightmare's quarters, Killer, Blackberry, and Horror soon followed. Dream tilted his head, he didn't want his brother to hurt, so he stayed he believed he would make things worse. He held himself. Error404, picked everything up and got to work on the task he had been given, monsters started filing out and some went home. Honey was among some monsters who were about to leave when he saw Dream and he walked over to him, he sat in Papyrus' seat, so basically on top of Papyrus, but he didn't know.

"You okay?" Honey asked and pulled out a macaroon.

"I did something and I think Nightmare hates me because of it... despite everyone telling me otherwise." Dream hugged his knees.

"I've heard that already. I am asking about anything else that is wrong." Honey took a bite of the macaroon. Dream shook his head.

"Okay if you're sure..." Honey said and finished off the macaroon.

"HEY GET OFF OF PAP!!!" Dust shouted at Honey. Honey nodded jumping up as Dust began running at Honey.

"G-g-good seeing ya again! Bye Dream!!!" Honey teleported away. Dust ran to the empty seat and checked on Pap. Dust turned to Dream and looked like he was going to him, but turned to the empty chair.

"But!-- UGHHHHH!!! Fine!!!" Dust groaned and calmed himself down. His demeanor changed completely and cleared his throat.

"I-I have something I need to ask you." Dust sounded nervous as he began, Dream nodded.

"It's okay, ask away!" Dream was thoroughly curious.

"Okay.......... ummmmmmm... Y-y-you're a friend of Blue r-right?" Dust twisted his fingers, but was careful not to break them.

"Y-y-you know what never mind... He's probably too busy anyway... It's too chaotic here too. Forget I said anything." Dust walked off. Dream grabbed Dust's arm and teleported to Dust's room.

"Blue likes you too!" Dream chuckled.

"W-w-w-what? Th-th-that's n-not what I was going to ask." Dust blushed, he was lying and he searching for any sign of Horror When he didn't see him he spoke, Dust wasn't one to open up.

"Where does he live? I know he moved out of his--" Dust looked for Papyrus "his asshole of a brother's house." Dust continued he was purple as a plum.

"Maybe you should ask Blackberry and Honey." Dream chuckled.

"Thanks... Oh and you're brother has locked himself in his room" Dust opened the door to let Dream out of his room. Dream walked to Nightmare's room and with concern he knocked on the door. Red was standing beside the door 'guarding' it.

"Sir?" Dream called to his brother.

Nightmare didn't open the door, Horror walked out of Killer's room and skipped to Dream.

"Sir there is no need for such formalities." Horror mimicked how a Toriel or Asgore would speak, he himself didn't know which Toriel or Asgore he was mimicking. Dream glared at Horror just smiled back.

"Please Nighty just let me in I want to help you!" Dream looked away from Horror, Horror teleported away when Dream did so.

"I'm... I'm just tired Dream... Let me sleep okay?" Nightmare's voice sounded shattered and broken.

"I'll take care of him, you go find Error and tell him the news." Red insisted. Dream didn't put up much of a fight at this.

"I know you aren't happy with me, but if you need anything... just let me know." Dream said to Nightmare.

"Will do!!" Red managed to say before Dream went looking for Error.

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