A Gift For A Gift

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"I have an Idea... It might work, but you're going to have to trust me. I'll volunteer for spying on Error," Blue said "This way you two can get close while I feed Ink lies." Blue continued.

"There is a chance that I won't get the job. But! I will try to side track whoever got the job!" Blue said. Dream nodded wiping some fallen tears off his face.

"I could try too, but I am not good at making lies." Dream said

"I think that's why Ink was pushing you for information, I believe Outer caught you two talking more than once too." Blue said. Dream froze, there was some movement downstairs.

"I-I should've been more careful." Dream whispered, worried it was Stretch.

"Error said he was going to meet me in Hotland." Dream said. Blue nodde.

"I'll keep Papy from there. So you two can go to Grillby's for donuts, just tell Grillby you're a friend of mine and he will give you some discounts." Blue recommended. Dream nodded taking his suggestion into thought and thanked Blue as he teleported to Hotland.

Blue opened his door and shouted at Stretch for not moving, Blue went downstairs and clean the room himself.

Dream had done what Blue had said about the discounts and bought a lovely chocolate crepe cake for the price a singular apple at a supermarket! Blue sure had some good connections. Dream was patiently waiting for Error, Error was a bit later than he usually would be and Dream was about to start worrying, though whose to say he never stopped worrying?

Error stumbled through a portal that he made too high from the ground. Error was covered in even more scratched then Dream remembered seeing him with last time, but Error had a real smile on his face as he pushed himself up.

"Hi Dream! Sorry you had to wait so long, I fell asleep on the way here!" Error lied, Error had something in his jacket pocket that he was going to give to Dream. 

Error looked exhausted and it was obvious he hadn't slept at all. Dream's face twisted in anger and he grabbed Error's arm and opened a portal to a empty house, where he dragged Error inside. He dropped Error's arm, looked down at him, crossed his arms, and began tapped his foot.

"WhAt'S WrOnG?!" Error asked as he shoved the gift further into his jacket. Error was starting to wonder if Dream wouldn't like what he got him. Dream looked at scars and his face.

"You're hurt and tired! Sleep!" Dream barked.

"i DOn'T NeED SLeEp." Error argued.

"Sleep or I am going to go home and locking you out!" Dream threatened. Error huffed, crossed his arms and sat down. Dream started healing him as he smiled a bit at the victory, Dream gently pushed Error on his back.

"I'lL lAY dOWn AnD ReLaX, buT i aM Not SlEepInG." Error stated. Dream pat Error's head and put a blanket on him. Error glitched at the touch, but begrudgingly took the blanket from Dream. 'Just to make Dream happy,' he told himself.

Before Error could have the chance to begin relaxing, Ink created another AU. Error wouldn't get much sleep even if he really wanted to sleep. 'For Dream,' Error reminded himself and he closed his eyes, and just like that Error was out cold.

Dream smiled and searched for a good pillow that, he would tuck under Error's head. Error began to snore, but he didn't sleep for more than an hour because his body glitched him awake, it was reminding him that Ink had created an AU that needed to be destroyed.

"Good morning Ruru!!" Dream sang the nickname. Error blushed.

"hElLo, GolDeN bOy.. ." Error tiredly teased, Error stretched and some of the drowsiness Error felt melted away. Error's watched Dream cut the Chocolate crepe cake, and handed Error a slice.

"I don't care if you don't need to eat. Just eat, it's Chocolate~" Dream cooed. Error smiled and grabbed the slice with his hands.

"tHaNKs DrEAm.. ." Error said and used his five dark blue tongues to grab the slice of cake and he ate it. Dream shivered, but grabbed his one slice and began eating it, Error smiled and laughed at Dream's reaction. Dream put his plate down and put his hands up in surrender. 

Error almost reached out for another slice to see what Dream would do, but stopped when his body began glitching violently. Error ignored it and grabbed the gift he brought for Dream from his pocket instead. Dream tilted his head.

"You can have another!" Dream encouraged Error.

"wElL lET mE giVe You SomEtHiNg FIrsT, i kNoW yOuR bIrThDaY iSn'T FOr A WhiLe, buT i wAnTeD tO givE yOu SoMetHInG fOr BeInG sO gReAt To Me, FoR dEaLing WiTh mE and EveRythiNg ToO." Error pulled out a terribly wrapped and tied-- err knotted into a 'bow'.

A/N: The picture above is a Chocolate Raspberry Crepe slice of cake. The original picture I wanted wouldn't load, but now I am fantasizing how a crepe cake would taste. 

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