Meant To Keep It

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"What do you have?" Fake Red smiled, his eye lights glowed brighter as he made Dream face him.

"A family, you don't truly have anyone that loves you. Your a COPY!" Dream hissed, some of his spine injuries opened again. Fake Red clenched his fist tightly, keeping himself from doing anything, he looked away from Dream and pulled his SOUL along.

"Well as Dust used to say I have all the LOVE I need." Fake Red replied.

"But he doesn't say that anymore! He lives with his family now, he actually has one. Hell, even I have a family here. AND. THEY. ALL. HATE. YOU." Dream smirked

"So what... I have Ink..." Fake Red said opening a door, real Red was inside the room, he sat motionless on the somehow glossy floor. They were in a lab, metal table in the back of the room glossy marble floor, and clean grey walls, it was a small room.

The little lights on Red's metal were activated. Dream froze seeing Red, Red's eye lights were still there but faintly, Red just watched Fake Red drag Dream in the room. Ink was in the back of the room waiting for Dream and Fake Red's arrival.

"Ink is SOULless!" Dream said beginning to sweat nervously finally noticing Ink. Ink got off the table and pat it Red laid Dream on it.

"I know he is. He doesn't stop me when I kill someone." Fake Red smiled, Dream shivered. Fake Red held Dream down so he didn't move. Ink took this opportunity to speak as he began to activate the little lights on Dream's metal. Dream shook his head and glared at Ink.

"No, but I know it's not good." Dream hissed, "And it's one of the reasons why I hate you." Dream struggled to move, Ink ignored Dream's little hateful remark.

"This metal makes you follow my every command whether you want to... or not. It's not easy to remove so if I tried to pry this metal off with... let's say a bone, you'd be the only one getting hurt." Ink explained turning on one of the first lights, Dream's arm stiffen, he was unable to move it. But Dream tried moving it nonetheless.

"I don't care, if you hurt me then hurt me!! But I'll never love you!" Dream spat at Ink. Ink's eye lights flickered red and went back to normal. He quickly activated the rest of the metal.

"Dream sit with Red." Ink said coldly, the metal whirred as it started to work. The metal shot some needles inside Dream's legs making him move, Ink still allowed Dream to talk. Dream shrieked a bit as he moved casually over to him.

"Whatever I do Red it's unintentional!" Dream whispered. Ink smiled hearing whet Dream had warned Red of him doing anything.

"In that case..." A smile slowly rose up. "Dream kick Red." Ink chuckled as the metal whirred again forcing him to move. Red's eye sockets widened and he tried to whimper, but no noise came out.

"So, Dream what do you feel about us making a visit to your brother? Or even that Glitch you're so fond of?" Ink as the machine force Dream's attack. Red's skull emitted a creaking noise that almost made Ink shiver.

"Never!! They know I wouldn't do anything to them!!" Dream whimpered as he saw blood come from Red's skull.

"It'd still hurt them, but they don't know about Red, they don't know how long he has been here." Ink smiled at Red.

"Honestly he doesn't really need his metal anymore... but I use it as back up." Ink pat Red's skull. Red wasn't trembling, but tears came from his sockets, he was really scared. 

"Dream sit back down." Ink instructed, the metal whirred again. He lifted up Red's chin as more tears flowed down his bandanna soaking up the liquid, Ink let got Red's face fell back down.

"So what do you think of the metal, Dream? Give me the truth." Ink backed off from Red, the metal whirred and stuck something in his neck forcing Dream to answer. Dream gasped in shock.

"I HATE IT!" He snapped the metal stopped whirring, Ink silenced Dream.

"Thank you Dream." Ink smiled loving every single second, to Ink seeing Dream's reaction was like some drug.

"Let's visit your brother Dream. Red, Dream follow." Ink ordered. The metal whirred in sync and forced the two into motion. Ink opened a portal and pushed them in the metal made them follow Ink where ever he went.

Fake Red did follow behind, he closed the portal after heading through it.

"Now we wait." Ink smiled swinging his limbs back and forth. So they waited in the snowy AU Ink had shoved them into.


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