Healing and Ships

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Red looked at the portal and went to his room, his eye lights glowed brightly as he entered. 

"I wish he wouldn't feel so guilty about everything." Dream sighed, Dream looked at Dust and Horror, Horror and Dust looked back at each other. Not knowing what to do Horror spoke up.

"Yeah!" Horror cleared his throat. Dust looked over Dream and at Horror.

'Really?!' Dust mouthed, Horror shrugged.

'I don't know what to say to that!' Horror mouthed back. Dream raised a fake eyebrow and looked at the two bicker.

"I can see you, you know that right? You can just ask why I said that." Dream asked a smile rose on his face. The looked ahead  clearing their throats in sync.

"Yeah..." Dust and Horror said in unison. Dream snicked, but stopped because his back hurt.

"He feels bad that he couldn't stop Nightmare..." Dream explained.

"Oh..." They said in unison again, as they sat Dream on a chair. Dream chuckled.

"It's okay, I know he cares but he can't blame himself for everything." Dream's smile faded.

"Maybe he doesn't and he is trying to find Nightmare, that's what I would do." Dust said and Horror nodded his head in agreement.

"I know but still if he does the smallest thing wrong he blames himself." Dream explained. The two shrugged, they sat in silence for a bit Dust looked down the hall looking for Blackberry.

"Soooo..." Horror started, Dream slowly got up, ignoring his back. Horror and Dust picked Dream up and placed him back in the chair.

"Stay!" Horror said. Dream crossed his arms pretending to be upset.

"But I don't wanna." Dream smiled. Horror stuck his tongue out, Dream stuck his tongue back. Horror laughed and sucked his tongue back in with a loud slurping noise. Dust laughed as Dream made a disgusted face. Dream jokingly flipped off Horror causing Dust to choke on his laughter. Horror pretended to be offended and did some questionable motions. 

"What was that?" Dream snickered when Horror finished. Dust slid to the floor laughing and choking. Horror shrugged with a entertained smile.

"I have no idea." Horror laughed. Dream looked at Dust with a worried expression as Dust rolled around on the floor as he choked. Blackberry rushed in stepping over Dust and pulled Dream's shirt off holding the bandages in between his leg as he peeled the bloodied shirt off of Dream's spine. Blackberry began to heal and wrap the bandages around Dream's spine when he successfully got the shirt off.

The healing felt wonderful to Dream, he purred at the sensation. Horror dragged Dust out of the room, they weren't needed. Dream noticed Blackberry's serious expression, he wanted to make him smile. Dream smiled slyly as an idea came to his head.

"How much do you want to bet Dust is going to stop and punch Horror or kiss him by accident?" Dream snickered. Dust flipped Dream off while Horror dragged him away.

"Zero chance of either of those things happening." Black said his face still had a serious expression on, he tightened the bandages causing Dream to squeak. Dream laughed and smiled wickedly.

"I SHIP DUSTBERRY!!!" Dream waved at them, Blackberry looked at Dream.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Dust shouted

"What the hell is a Dustberry?" Horror asked Dust. Dust shrugged.

"How the hell should I know?" Dust snapped

"DUST AND BLUE SITTING--" Dream began singing

"SHUT UP!!" Dust interrupted, Dream and Black laughed as Dust came storming down the hall to them, his face was completely purple. Horror grabbed Dust and dragged him away.

"How much do you think he wants to kiss Blue?" Dream smiled as he accomplished his goal.

"A lot." Black snickered joining in.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU TWO!!" Dust screamed struggling to get to them, Horror still holding him back. Horror laughed and Dust elbowed Horror in the gut, Horror yelped in surprise.

"I bet he wants to make babies and marry Blue." Dream laughed, Blackberry froze and his smile turned into a nervous one.

"THAT'S IT DREAM!!!!" Dust roared pulling away from Horror.

"That was a little too much!" Blackberry said through his teeth. Horror jumped on Dust pinning him down.

"You can't deny your feelings! I'm the guardian of positivity!" Dream smirked.

"GO HAVE BABIES WITH ERROR BEFORE DAYDREAMING ABOUT MINE!!" Dust shrieked and Horror finally dragged him away.

"I wish I could..." Dream muttered and frowned, Dust was now out of sight.

"Ew!" Black stuck his tongue out.

"Don't forget what you and your brother do!" Dream looked at Blackberry.

"I DON'T DO THAT!! That is a rumor Lust made!!" Black snapped, Dream pretended to think.

"Then maybe we need a more... Classic approach." Dream smiled, Black blushed and pushed Dream off the chair. Dream groaned.

"Stop!" Black glared at Dream.

"NOPE! You can't hide it from me~" Dream sang his smile back.

"I can hide many things from you and so can my brother." Black bragged.

"But you can't hide postitive feelings. THE SAME GOES TO YOU TOO HORROR!!!" Dream chuckled. Horror wailed and shout his mouth. Blackberry hoisted Dream back into the chair and finished healing him.

"GO GET HIM HORROR!!!" Dream cheered.

"EAT YOUR SPOONS!!!" Horror shouted.

"HOW WILL I DO THAT?!" Dream laughed

"EAT EM'!!!!!!!!!" Horror shrilled. Dream smiled happily.

"I'm making everyone blush, this is amazing. YOU GUYS CAN'T EVEN GET ME BACK!!" Dream giggled. Horror sped into the room, Horror stopped himself.

"I'm going to look for Nightmare... Stay out of trouble!" Horror said and left the Castle.

Dream sighed surrendering... for now.

A/N: Hi Guys!! You enjoyed the chapter?

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