A Brother's Fulfillment

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The monster had healed most of the damage that had been done to Dream.

"Welp that's as much as I can do. Which is pretty damn good if I do say so m'self." The monster smiled going to his destroyed bed. Pulling out a knife carving a name on the wall. This monster was used to the dark.

Dream strained a bit and froze when he saw the monster. Dream tried to stand or get away from the monster, but no luck.

"Heya Dream! How's Nightmare?" The monster asked, Dream couldn't see the monster properly, but saw how bad the room was. 'Error MURDERER! INK TRAITOR!!!' The was read. 'I am NOT Ink! I am _____' the name was scratched out. 'I am not _____! I am Ink!!!' Again the name was scratched out.

"Wh-wh-who are you?" Dream asked sitting up was the best he could do at the moment.

"Sugar..." The monster lied. Dream hugged himself and surprised to find no marks on his bones.

"I tried t'a heal ya as best as I could, but Su— Ink sure did a lot of damage to ya." 'Sugar' said.

"Thank y-you." Dream nodded watching 'Sugar' carve into the walls.

'Dream saved...' 'Sugar' carved.

"Who are y-y-you really?" Dream pushed. 'Sugar' sighed not answering Dream.

"I'll let 'cha—" 'Sugar' shut up looking at the door he sat down and hid his knife. The door swung opened and Ink groaned seeing some of Dream's wounds gone.

"I told you not to mess with him." Ink scolded. 'Sugar' shrugged, but said nothing. Ink growled grabbing Dream. Dream yelped as he was dragged out again. Dream wasn't strong enough to run or stand. Ink hit Dream's skull on a coffee table, food laid in front of him.

"Eat." Ink ordered pushing off of Dream's skull. Ink left Dream alone with the food.

"If you don't eat I'll continue where we left off yesterday." Ink threatened, Dream tensed, he really really didn't want that. Dream's hand touched the food and he began eating it, he was already feeling better after the food.

Ink just tossed the other's their food, but didn't give any to Red knowing he wouldn't eat. Dream saw his scarf on the table and grabbed for it, Ink stopped Dream by impaling Dream's hand with a bone.

"Ask first~" Ink smiled. Dream silently screamed the bone was still in his hand.

"C-c-can I h-have my sc-scarf b-back?" Dream asked 'You bastard.' Dream mentally added. Ink got rid of the bone.

"Of course you can." Ink watched as Dream shakily grabbed the scarf and put it on. Ink was a bit disappointed he expected a different reaction.

'Everyone moves at their own pace, his just happens to be a little slow.' Ink told himself, 'I'll just have to speed him up~' Ink grinned. Dream yelped as Ink grabbed under his skull lifting him up. Dream grabbed Ink's hands kicking as if it would've helped him. Ink tossed Dream into the snow outside, Dream tried to drag himself away, Ink just grabbed Dream's SOUL tossing him in the air. Ink spun and kicked Dream in the 'stomach', Dream was sent flying back.

Red stood up again he healed himself again, but he had a lot of energy to do so. He left some energy to listen to the commotion, hearing Dream's screams set him off.

'We're brothers now until we all get out of here or even long after that! Okay?' Red heard Dream's voice.

"Dream!" Red called, but Dream was too far to hear him. Red ran at his door trying to bust it down, he did this over and over becoming more determined with each scream that left Dream.

Red didn't care if he was breaking his arm, he threw his body at the door over and over. The door finally gave way and Red slid a bit and rolled around, but quickly scrambling to his feet, his arm bleeding excessively and his Hp slowly lowered. Red eyes glowed brightly with his old SOUL trait, and he ran outside seeing Ink attacking Dream.

Dream was in the snow curled up shaking from the cold and pain. Red ran, he knew he wouldn't make it, especially with his Hp lowering so fast. Red roared starting up his magic eye, the socket bled and his SOUL began stinging. As he teleported it the way of the bones, Red smiled seeing Ink's shock.

"NO!!! RED!!!" Dream wailed, Red didn't bother checking his Hp. He charged at Ink summoned a bone piercing Ink's chest.

"Imbecile~" Ink smirked gritting through the pain, grabbing Red's SOUL and shattered it. 'Shame... he was almost ready...' Ink sighed.

Red dusted, Dream screamed wailing.

"RED!!!!" Dream called, Ink stood up dusting himself off. Dream glared at Ink and tried to something, but he couldn't do anything.

'Thank you Red...' Ink picked up a broken Dream.

A/N: Sorry... if it makes you feel better I cried writing this down. I added a lot of extra detail, so much of it.

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