Tony To Bruce

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<Science Bruh>

hey what happened to the toaster

<Jolly Green Giant>

the one i made into a death machine

<Science Bruh>

yeah wheres it at

<Jolly Green Giant>

i thot it was over on the shelf with the coffee pot gun but its not sooooo idk

<Science Bruh>

well im pretty sure whoever has it is the one messing with bucky

<Jolly Green Giant>

why do you care you hate him

<Science Bruh>

yeah but he's alright
and steve likes him

<Jolly Green Giant>

and you love steve

<Science Bruh>

and so i will unfuckup bucks memories

<Jolly Green Giant>

for steve

<Science Bruh>


<Jolly Green Giant>

can you stop doing things for people to win their approval
and stop falling in love with people who show you the slightest bit of affection

<Science Bruh>

its not people who show me affection
its just the one person who does

<Jolly Green Giant>

is that supposed to make me feel guilty
i show you affection

<Science Bruh>

no sure
but steve
like deeply
steves so freaking inmocent and for some reason he brings me food
and he doesn't yell at me as much even tho he knows i'm a piece of shit

<Jolly Green Giant>

thats bc he loves u 2

<Science Bruh>


<Jolly Green Giant>

believe what u want
i kno these things

<Science Bruh>

u kno nothing

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