Clint to Bucky

594 53 0

<Number One>

I heard i'm yr #1

<Sam's guy>

this is true

<Number One>

well that's lit

<Sam's Guy>

hell yeah. speaking of being lit. beyonce.

<Number One>

ohhhhhhh yessssssss

<Sam's Guy>

did you know that i am an excellent ballerina

<Number One>

no uh no nat is the best ballerina

<Number One>

she looks at my texts i can't say anything

<Sam's Guy>

ahhhhh i get you. but did you know beyonce is really fun to ballet to

<Number One>


<Sam's Guy>

it's more like, you know, interpretive ballet. dubstep ballet if you will

<Number One>

very nice

<Sam's Guy>

sam is also a good dancer i am impressed

<Number One>

he's very good at movement stuff. i mean he flies a set of wings through the sky he's gotta be coordinated

<Sam's Guy>

yeah he also sends snapchats while doing that it's impressive

<Number One>

you know what else is impressive

<Sam's Guy>

what's that

<Number One>

how you two haven't gone out yet

<Sam's Guy>

you know, you people in this tower are really nosy

<Number One>

yes well what else is there to do

<Sam's Guy>

eat cake

<Sam's Guy>

fight crime

<Sam's Guy>

eat pizza

<Sam's Guy>

deal w ur own relationships

<Sam's Guy>

eat some bread

<Sam's Guy>

bread and cheese

<Sam's Guy>

I may just be hungry

<Number One>

really that's fun

<Sam's Guy>

it is not man I want food fuck food it ruins my life and makes me stop beyonce dancing

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