Clint to Wade

583 47 7

<Flying Fuck>

daaaaaaamn deadpool, back at it again with the not answering your goddamn snapchat!!!!!!!!

<Skull Poop L>

me and peter had a Chat

<Skull Poop L>

we're cleaning

<Skull Poop L>

well he fell asleep so I'm cleaning

<Flying Fuck>

ahhh how'd it go

<Skull Poop L>


<Skull Poop L>


<Skull Poop L>

actually no. it didn't. something's up with him I'm legitimately worried

<Skull Poop L>

is tony around?

<Flying Fuck>

he and bruce are checking loki's vitals. we're pretty sure bruce put him in a coma

<Flying Fuck>

thor is pisseeeeeeeeeeddddd

<Skull Poop L>

I can imagine

<Flying Fuck>

is peter okay?

<Skull Poop L>

he fell asleep on the floor while picking up clothes. he just like. was on the floor. and he fell asleep.

<Skull Poop L>

which is super unlike him

<Flying Fuck>

yeah that's something I or you would do

<Flying Fuck>

or tony

<Flying Fuck>

but not peter

<Skull Poop L>

something's up idk what it is but he's more. i dunno moody swingy

<Flying Fuck>

well if you wanna talk to tony he's here you should text him

<Flying Fuck>

because i'm pretty sure thor is gonna murder bruce and if you don't text tony now he'll be busy w bruce's funeral

<Skull Poop L>

true ok thanks

<Skull Poop L>

also please do not ever damn daniel me again

<Flying Fuck>

damn deadpool. back at it again with hating my memes

<Skull Poop L>

i love you

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