Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV


He expects me to start today, and I know nothing about it. He just basically threw me under the bus!

I am not ready for this, I am not ready for this. My subconscious was on the right track but, my feet weren't. They were leading me right inside the hospital. As soon as I entered the double doors, Matthew was right there waiting for me.

"Look at you, don't you look happy." He says sarcastically, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Aren't you such a good friend." I mocked with the same tone.

"Don't love me too much." He laughed as he guided me towards the elevator.

"Don't worry, I don't." I smirked. 

"Shots fired, that got me right in the heart." He joked, as we got in the elevator.

"Not like you actually have one." I mumbled. The thing about Matthew is behind that good doctor facade, he's the worst person I've ever known. A good friend but, as a person not so much.

"What's it like, in there?" I asked,  impatiently tapping my fingers against the holding rail of the elevator. 

"A bunch of teenagers. Mostly.." He sighed, pressing the button that went to our floor.

"Teenagers?" I huffed. "The last thing I want to do is be around a bunch of teenagers."

"You were a teenager not so long ago, Lauren." He smiled. 

"That was seven years ago." I said while fixing my coat. Being here made me nervous I don't even know what to expect.

"Some of them grow on you, It's not that bad." He said as the elevator doors opened up. As soon as I walked out of the elevator it was quite noisy, In one area there were kids who looked higher than a kite, in another a bunch were in what looked like a therapy session.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked once we were safely in the comfort of his office.

"Most of the kids that get sent here have problems." He said taking a seat behind his desk. "You can sit down." He said pointing at the uncomfortable looking wooden chair in front of his desk. "The kids here have been through hell and back literally. Some are addicts, self-harmers, have depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders.."

The list went on and on. I mean they're just kids, how can they with stand all of this?

"That's crazy, kids shouldn't have to deal with these types of things." I said slouching futher down into the seat.

"I know but, these are legitimately good kids Lauren." No doubt of that.

"They're just a little rough around the edges but, all they need is somebody to help them." He said with an endearing town.

"Well, what am I suppose to do?" I asked, maybe this job won't be so bad. 

"You're going to be handling the sixteen to nineteen year olds." That sounds respectably fair enough. 

"But since there isn't any who aren't already taken care of.." He clasped his hands together. "You're just going to be observing." Matthew said handing me a stack of papers.


"LET ME GO!" Someone screamed, I turned around to see a girl being restrained by two giant men.

Is that really necessary? Who is she really harming? She seems fragile.  Matthew quickly sprang up from his desk, running over to the girl leaving me behind dazed and confused. He had a quick conversation with the two men and sent them off into a secluded area. He walked back to the office with a smug look on his face.

"What is it?" I asked, she seems ratherly crazy after all that. He looked at me and began laughing. "Who is she?

"That's Camila Cabello." He said handing me a file. "Your new patient."

"You're kidding me!" I huffed, "You said this would be easy."

He set me up.

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