Chapter 6

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Lauren's Pov

"What is her problem exactly?" I question watching Camila silently sitting at a table alone.

"Things." Matthew deeply sighed. Is she that messed up?

"What do you mean by things Matt?" He looked over at Camila then cautiously looked back at me.

"Camila, is a special patient" He informed me but, I quite don't understand. "Come with me." He quietly says tugging against my arm pulling me with him.

"Camila isn't a normal patient-She can be..what's a best way to put this.." What is so hard for him to tell me? "She's just like the weather." He finishes.

"Uh-h I'm not following you." You'd think with six years of being in college he'd know how to explain things out.

"She changes, severely." The tone of his voice became serious, I could sense the emotion attached with it.

"She's bipolar, is that what you're  saying?" I ask, I'm not really sure what point is he trying to make.

He slides me a manila folder, I open it retrieving the documents.  I carefully read over each test result and became simultaneously mortified.

"This is why?" I ask, he nodded as a response.  I felt my heart sink in, I couldn't bare to think what she must feel.

"You gotta help her Lauren." He sighs, Can I help? I'm just one woman.

"You can't help someone who doesn't want the help." I sighed as I rubbed the back of my neck as I rose from the uncomfortable wooden chair.

"I helped you, didn't I ?" I walk out of office.


Camila's Pov

"Camila, I'm here to take you to your visitors." Brian said standing in the doorway. I sent him a warm smile and followed him.

"Who are they?" I ask.

"I'm not sure Camila, they weren't listed as allowed visitors but, Dr. Andrews allowed them to see you." Who the hell would want to come see me in this hell hole?

Brian took me to this room, it was quiet. No one was in site, just a room with many chairs.

"Camila." Brian said placing a hand on my shoulder causing me to flinch. "Sorry, I didn't mean scare or harm you. You can have a seat anywhere obviously. I'll be back with your visitors." He smiled leaving me. Why does he trust me not to just up and leave?

Moments pass, just as promised Brian came back with people.

"I'll be behind the glass if you need me Camila." Brian said.

"Okay." I replied. The two strange people took the seats in front of me.  The removed their sunglasses and hats leaving me angry more or less.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We came to see you." My mother replied. 

"You're the reason why I'm in here!"

"You put yourself in here, Karla." My father said. The thing about my parents in funny. We're rich, well they're rich. My mother is a good woman, she's just an idiot blind sided by one sided love like the rest of us in this world. My father the hot shot Mr. Alejandro Cabello. He thinks he's important because he's a doctor and he invented a few things here and there. The thing is they aren't my parents, they adopted me when I was ten years old out on a street running along.  I didn't know much about my biological parents, all I knew is that my mother was a junkie always high trying to find her next fix and any man in the south or south east of the United States could be my father. She was a crack whore nothing more,  she had pimps and I had my occasional fair share of "uncles" too.

"You could have stopped it." I said to my mother. "Brian, I'm ready to go back to my room." I hated this place,  I hated them more.


"Brian, why do you work here?" I ask as we walk back to my room.

"You see that kid right there." He asks pointing at a boy in the recreation room.

"What about him?" I said not really caring.

"That's my kid brother, when I left home. It messed him up. I left him alone with my abusive dad and now he's here. That was almost 10 years ago." He said continuing to walk, I followed him shortly after.

"Brian, how old are you?" I asked.

"I'll be twenty-six in may" He smiled.

"That's sweet of you to work here for your brother." I replied.

"I'm trying to make things right Camila." He said as we came to my room.

"Everyone deserves a second chance." I smiled.

"Even you." He replied as he walked away.

A/N : The plot for this story..I love it

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