Chapter 20

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"Have you heard from Normani?" I ask as I plop down next to Dinah on the couch.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because,  she's your bestfriend. You to have been joined at the hip since I met you back in high school."

"She's your bestfriend too. Last I heard she's a doctor and engaged." Dinah said nonchalantly.

"Engaged! To who!?"

"I don't know some guy named Brian."

"How come I didn't know?"

I don't have many friends three tops excluding Matthew but, Normani..I can't believe she wouldn't tell me.

"Maybe because since the accident you've been unreachable?"

That's true. I moved states , changed my number twice , dyed my hair too. I thought about changing my name but, that was too extreme. If I could go back and tell the truth I would in a heartbeat.


"You should give her a call." Dinah smiled.

"I don't know Dinah,  seeing Normani reminds me of-"

"Ally was an accident Lauren. " She said reassuringly.

"I should have been honest."


"Camila,  I like spending time with you."

"I like spending time with you too Daniel." I smiled.

"No Camila.." He pushed back his dark brown mane. "I really like spending time with you..I think I like you."

"You shouldn't like someone like me" I sighed. "I have more screws loose than a broke down Chevy" I laughed.

"I can fix your broken heart if you let me Mila." He said as I was walking away.

"That's going to take time." I replied facing him.

"Do you see where we are? All I have is time Camila."

"What if the time runs out?"

"I'll still chase you." He smiles.

"Then you better start running. " I replied turning away from him with a small smile on my face.

"What are you smiling for?" She asks blocking me from entering my room.

"Lauren,  don't you have an office to run out of?"  I hissed.

"Camila,  I didn't mean-"

"It's fine, it's nice to know you're consistent with running out on me."

"It's not what you think, I was-"

"You were what?" I snapped.

"Nothing Camila." She sighs walking off as usual.

Lauren looked hurt, and I just snapped at her. I should have been more considerate of her feelings-well the ones she has left.

I walked over to my desk and saw note next to my journal. I picked it up slowly unfolding it.

"Camila,  I'm sorry for running out on you last night. Something came up and I had to go. I don't want you think that I'm always going to run out on you. Our friendship-well, I do most of the talking  but, I've already risked alot and broken hospital, I was thinking why not break all the rules?


Your Charmer Lauren Jauregui "

"Shit." I mumbled.

"Oh, you read it.." A voice sighed behind me.

"Why are you risking so much?"

"I don't know."

"We can't be friends Lauren.  Just do your job." I said leaving her standing there in my room.

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