Chapter 60

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"That's it?" I asked.

"Yup." She smiled.

"How long has this been going on?" Dinah asks Camila sitting in between Ally and Normani.

I found it funny.

Pure creativeness of hope.

"From what the date says about four roughly five months." I smiled. "But it takes place in 2016-2028."

Well , it is 2012.

"This was just off the wall." Dinah huffed. "I ship Canren but, damn this was off the fucking charts!"

"That's years from now." Ally added.

"Camren shippers be on to something." Normani mumbled.

"Hey guys, you're on in five." Mark said informing us before we head out onto the stage.

"Hoi, I'm leaving before I end up getting lost." Dinah said getting out of the chair..

"I'm out too!" Ally giggled.

"Right behind you." Normani said as they exited the room.

"You're oddly quiet over there. You okay Camz?"

"What if?" She asks.

"What if what?"

"What if harmonizers aren't crazy?"

"They're not."  I smiled. "They're delusional."

"Lauren I'm serious, what if-"

"What if I loved you in that way?" She nodded. "I do love you Camz."

"But, not  in the way I love-"

"Babe, they're calling you guys." Keaton said interrupting our conversation.

"Thanks." He smiled at me and left the room. Shortly after, I followed behind him , I stopped when I reached the door. "You coming?" I asked holding on my hand.

Camila got up from her chair and placed her hand in mine.

When reached the stage Camila's hand was still intertwined with mine. "I want this forever." She whispered.

"Want what?"

"To live my dream..with you." Camila let go of my hand and headed out on the stage.

"Me too Camz. Me too." I whispered to myself heading out.

A/N : Just so we're clear Camila was going to die.

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