Chapter 38

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Why don't people stay away from things? If you see a fire, you willingly place your finger into the fire. Why would you stick your finger inside? You knew it was gonna hurt yet, you still hurt yourself and for what reason?  I guess that's my problem.

I always knew. Yet, I put myself dab right in the middle of danger. Maybe,  maybe that's why I'm really here-punishment. If this is some kind of inspiration learning experience from God, ha. You got me good.

You're life can be going so perfect-that's what you assume. Then it takes left turn, two rights, hits a curb and you end up lost.

I'm all for karma, when it's being thrown into the right direction of course. But, bad things have happened to me my whole life and I'm okay with that.

These are the cards I was delt with, since I'm not any good at poker, I'm dead anyway.


"Hmm?" I sat directly in front of the window sill, something about watching the rain during autumn interested me. Maybe it was the way the water fell from the golden leaves-maybe it wasn't the rain. It could've been the leaves themselves. I just liked the idea of nature. It intrigued me.

"You have another.." Brain cleared his throat. "Vistor." He finished.

"Another one?" I ask following the water droplets with my finger.

"Yeah, I don't know who. Lauren said-"

"I was seriously about me having visitation limits. " I said while turning around to face him. "Who is it?"

"I'm not really sure." Brian sighed. "Whoever they are, they seem to be well-mannered."

"I don't know anyone well-mannered" I said letting a light chuckle slip out.

"I don't know Camila." He shrugged.

"Go make yourself useful." I said moving away from the window. "You have a wedding to plan."

"And you have a vistor to see." He replied patting my head. "All the people that come see you are good-looking."

"Everybody I know is good-looking." I replied.

"Hmm. Then I wonder what happened to you." Brian winked at me and turned away from me. I picked up the near by pen and aimed for this back missing him by a landslide.

"Missed." He laughed.

"Ass." I mumbled. Brian is like an annoying older brother. But, I like that.


As I walk into the familiar room, the same coldness hits my skin, sending a shiver a up my spine.

"The vistor" is standing with their back towards me. I slowly began approaching them, their perfectly styled hair gave me no clue.

I noticed them on the phone but, I can't quite make out their voice. Who are they?

It's not Austin that's for sure. Who else would want to come to hell to visit me? Why? Is a better question.  Not more than who they are but, I a close second.

I retreat back when I became closer than I had intended.

"I don't know...Just give me a hour or two...I don't care..Tell them the can wait." He growled into the phone just before ending the call. "Shit." The man quickly turned around and jumped at the site of me.

The blue tie.

I felt thousands of memories rush back into my mind. Time seemed to slow down.

My eyes had yet to meet theirs.

"Camila?" He spoke softly. "My eyes are up here." He said with a chuckle.

I slowly raised my head to make eye contact with him. "Nathan." I said breathless.

"How are you?" He asks sitting on the edge of the table.

"I'm fine." I said turning away from him.

"Am I that ugly to you that you can't look at me?"

"You're beautiful but, you're heart is ugly." I said without filtering my thoughts. He laughed for a breif moment and straightened out his black Armani suit.

"Nice to see honesty hasn't been completely lost on you."

"Nope, just my mind." I replied. "Why are you here Dallas?"

"Always quit to the point." He smirked. "I need you back Mila, buyers have been going nuts because you haven't been at their disposal for 7 months."

"That's not my problem. I'm not doing that anymore Nathan."

"Look Camila. " He said sternly. "I put you on that high horse and I can knock you down just as easily as you got put on. Do you understand me?"

"I don't care-"

The cold metal of Dallas' ring slid across my cheek. The metallic taste of blood lingered in my mouth. "I don't care what you think or feel. Your father gave you to me. You are my possession Camila."


"Don't. " He growled raising his fist. "I don't know what happened to you. When I first met you, you were perfect. I love you Camila but, you disobey me.." He grabs my face with one hand. "You're deceit, cost you everything. I gave you a life and what do you do?" He smirks. "You go behind my back and sleep with my brother." He spat releasing my face. "I married a whore but, all of that will change soon."

"I love you Nathan, I would never-"

"So, your calling Austin a liar."

Anybody could tell Austin was a liat, jusy by that crooked smile he flashed.

"I didn't say-"

"Then what are you saying!" He yelled. I grew silent. "Oh, no you don't speak." He stood up in front of me,  towering me. He placed on hand around my neck. "Just because you're my wife doesn't mean I won't kill you." He tightened his grip. "Your a pretty face but, who would care if I snapped your neck right now." I started to feel the air leave my body, causing me to becoming light headed.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!" A voice said but, it was very faint.

"Mind your business,  this is a conversation between my wife and I." Nathan said removing his hand.

My head felt like it was about to fall off.

"Doesn't look like much of a conversation."

"Why can't you just go? Huh?" Nathan asked.

"She's my responsibility. I'm not leaving her with you.  You need to leave." This extremely loud ringing noise became present. "Now." They demanded.

"It's fine." Nathan smugly said. "I'll see you seen Camila.  Remember what we discussed." He said kissing me on the lips, then wiping his mouth. "No harm done." He said brushing passed the person but, not before the could get a good hit off of him. Security took Nathan away.

"Come on." They said helping me stand up straight. "Why does this happen to you."

"It's the small price I pay."

"Is it worth your dignity? Your-"


"Yeah." They sighed.

"I don't have one. That died a long time ago. I'm just here."

"Camila you have-"

"Stop please." I said resting my hand on theirs. "Not now please." They silently nod. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Being there-to save me."

"A promise, is a promise Camz." Lauren kissed my hand and placed it back into my lap. "I'll be your hero." She whispered.

A/N : So the guy in the picture, that's what Brian looks like. I'm sorry, that chapter 37 was a shitty up date. Like ehh.

So it's like official, I'm a United States Marine. I'm excited free college my ninjas. I wonder if Lauren likes people in uniform. Hmm..

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