Chapter 24

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I sat there in my office thinking to myself. Surely enough I knew over thinking will only cause myself more problems but, I knew I can never stop. It's just who I am.

"Now that you're at work, you're not even working."

"I am. I'm reading. " I replied waving the folder above my head.

"What is that?"

"New patient. " I sighed.

"Don't you think you have your hands full?"

"I didn't have a choice Matthew forced this on me. Like he did Camila. " I said whispering the last part.

"I wish you would get your head out of your ass sometimes."

"Doesn't everyone. "

"When do you meet this new patient anyway?"

"Honestly,  I don't know and don't c-"

My door slowly began to open revealing someone that wasn't her.

"Are you Dr.jauregui?" The girl asks slowly entering the office.

"Today she is." Dinah laughed loudly scaring the poor girl.

"Shut up. " I mumbled. I cleared my throat before answering. "Yeah, I'm Dr. Jauregui. Are you-"

"Jamie. " She says not letting me finish my sentence.

"Camila. " Dinah said using coughs to cover what she just said. I shoot her a an intense death glare. "I should go back, patients to save." She said before walking out of the office, closing the door behind her.

"You seem nervous." I said looking at Jamie,  she acts as if I'm going to hurt her. She literally standing with her back ten centimeters from the wall, directly next to door.

"I am."


"I'm not going to hurt you."

"You're suppose to say that you're a doctor but, then you guys run extremely test on us like that girl down the hall and drown us in meds-"

"What did you say?"

"You drown us in medication?" She said not really sure to make it a question or a statement.

"Before that." I said getting up from behind my desk.

"Then you guys run extremely test on us like that girl down the hall." She repeated herself.

"What girl?"

"I don't know I just got-"

"Can you show me?" I ask. She nods and I quickly walk towards her, I opened my door and dragged her out of the office. "Are you sure you remember?"

"Come on follow me."


"There's nothing here Jamie-"

"Will you be quiet damn." She groaned. I was taken back by her words and did what she said.

Once we walked passed what seemed like a million empty rooms,  we came to a room that had someone lying on a bed hooked up to a machine. Matthew and Brian were blocking her only allowing me to see the bottom half of her body in the bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask, they both jump back frightened.

"Lauren,  you shouldn't be here."

"Obviously." I replied walking into the room.

"Lauren get out." Matthew said as I approached him. "You're not suppose to be here." He said pushing me back.

"Get off of me!" I yelled pushing him back with the same amount of force causing me to be pushed into Brian. I look over at the girl resting in the bed peacefully. "What did you give her!"

"She needed to be asleep Lauren!"

"So you sadate her!" I said pushing him once more. "She sleeps all the time!"

"Camila hasn't been sleeping Lauren,  she's been awake for two months now." Brian softly spoke.

"What are you saying. She's been sleep walking with her eyes wide open?" I said with a hint of doubt in my voice.

"I gave Camila a sleep aid but, she was suppose to..she was suppose to wake up two weeks ago." Matthew said.

"What did you do."

"Lauren she needed-"

"Brian don't alright!" I snapped at him. "What the hell is this!"

"It helps us see her dreams or what seem to be memories." Matthew said pushing his mane back.

"Get away..Leave me alone!..Don't please..." Camila whispered. I quickly turned to her and placed my hands on her shoulder with the intention of waking her up but, Matthew pulled me back.

"What the hell is wrong with you!"

"She needs to wake up!" I yelled at him.

Camila began shaking rapidly in the bed, mumbling things. Then, she suddenly stopped, the sound of the flat line caused my heart to stop too.

A/N : I like my women like I like my bread..white xD anyways, I wonder if Camila..nvm. lol enjoy guessing.

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