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Just because I felt like talking to you guys.

Do you guys like these weird stories that I come up with after some weird event happens to me?

How old are you guys? Because some of you are like 13 and under and I feel like when I write smut chapters,  I'm like throwing written porn at you guys.

But, how are you guys though? How was school?

This probably sounds like I'm a total creeper but, I promise I'm not.

Camila tweets MTV more than she tweets Ameezy.

I thought Lauren followed me, but I was severely wrong I almost cried.

My girlfriend got into a fight today and I kinda don't know what to do, I want to like punch the other girl in the face but, I don't hit women.

I'm really nice if you know me but, I'm like really sarcastic at the same time I have a response for EVERYTHING.

I love you guys, I'll update this and From Me to You tomorrow.

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