Chapter 55

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Lauren ending up staying after all. It was nice seeing her and Brian together again. They were like childhood friends almost.

She got to meet Carter, I could tell he liked her. They got along pretty well.

"What are you thinking about Camz?" Lauren asked tracing circles on my back.

"Your parents. You never talk about them." I said.  "Why?"

Lauren sighed.  "I didn't have the best up bringing. You know my dad?" I nod my head for her to continue. "Before the money, my mom said he was a good guy.." She laughed. "Once the company go to where it is today everything changed. He began drinking, sneaking off with women-whoring my mother out to "clients", beating her and me. My mother went insane, that is until she found Jacob."

"Your therapist?"

She nodded.

"I haven't seen or spoken to her since their wedding day, that was..fifteen years ago."

"Do you miss her?" I asked.

"She's my mother, why wouldn't I?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Hey, you don't have to apologize." She said placing a kiss on my head. "Sometimes, you have to love from a distance, to let them figure out what they want."

"I understand."

"Do you?" I nod. "But, I never understood why she left me. The things that I had to do to survive growing child so have to go through that."

I could relate to how Lauren feels right now. I should have never asked.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Don't be,  alright?" I could tell she was smiling. "Everything bad,  everything good lead me right here to you." Smooth. "I should be sorry." She mumbled.

I lifted my head from her chest, I positioned myself that I was straddling het hips. I slightly tilted my head to right. "Why?"

"We both lived here, our whole lives. Why did it take me so long to find you?" She questioned. "Why did we have to meet that way? Why couldn't we have met in high school?"

"You do realize when you were leaving high school, I was barely getting into high school?" I smirked.

"No, I didn't realize. " She said sarcastically. "How adorable,  when I was a legal adult my wife was still in high school learning calculus."


"Alegbra thank you, and to have you know I failed it twice."

"You're cute Cabello." She whispered before pulling me in for a kiss.


I had left Camila for a few days to think about my not so secretively way of asking her to marry me.

"So you're leaving me dawg?" Dinah asked passing me a beer.

"Yeah." I nodded. "You could always come visit,  I'm sure Camila wouldn't mind, it'll give you a chance to meet Carter."

"I love kids!" She cooed. "It's going to be boring with Normani."

"That's yo bad, you wifed up homie." I said trying to use Dinah's slang.

"Just stop." She said holding a hand up. "Take your cuban ass back to Miami." She said trying not to laugh.

"I will once you help me pack."

"Uhm, Dinah Jane,  does not pack. You wanted to move. You can move up those stairs to your bedroom and pack yourself while you think about scissoring Mila."

"We never-"

"Sure you didn't." She said cutting me off heading towards the door.

"But, I have a-"

"I know what you have Lauren." She said storming out of the house.

Dinah fucking Jane everyone..


"How do you feel?" He asked.

"How does it look like I feel?" I retored.

"I'm sorry about her." Brian said squeezing my hand. "First timer."

"Well Ms. Cabello, it looks like your about three weeks in but, with your condition you must me careful." Doctor James said. "This is your baby." He said pointing towards the screen, closing the clipboard as he stood up. "Congradulations."  He said exiting the room.

"I wish I could have a baby." Brian cooed.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You have one. We have one. About nine years ago. Name Carter ring a bell?"

"No shit, I meant like have a baby, baby."

"You've been really feminine these last few years, I worry. What does Lindsay put in your coffee? Estrogen?" I laughed.

"I wonder what Lauren puts in your mouth." He mumbled,  covering it up with muffled cough.

"What was that?"

"I said, I wonder what Lauren would think of having a kid."

"Thought so." I growled.

"I should go call the sitter, while you get dressed." Brian said gathering his things.

"Yeah, get out." I giggled.

Am I ready for this?

Is Lauren ready for this?

A/N :  I hope this update puts me in the clear cx

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