Chapter 52

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Everything can change. They don't even know it.

"Hey, I'm going to take Carter out for a while." Brian said putting on their coats. "Do you want anything?"

I shook my head.

"Bye mommy!" Carter said wrapping his little arms around my legs for a brief moment.

"I'll see you when you get back." I smiled.

Carter's face lit up like a kid seeing their Christmas presents. "Come on Dad!" He says tugging on Brian's sleeve, pulling him as he went for the door.

"See ya later." I said waving them off.


"Can you like fucking watch where you're going!" I snapped.

"Look, sit back and shut the fuck up Mila." Austin snapped back. "Alright?"

"Fine whatever." I mumbled taking out my journal.

Do you ever wonder why?

I mean we all make mistakes. Idiotic mistakes.

I'm a prime example of that. I wish could go back you know, I knew what I did wasn't right but, I had to do what I had to do to survive.

I don't regret being adopted by being Sinuhe and Alejandro.

I don't regret beating beaten by him either. I regret not standing up for myself.  Then and now.

I don't regret doing the drugs or doing the things I was forced too.


Because,  every fucked up thing I ever did lead me to that hospital seven years ago.

It lead me to Lauren.

Time and time again . She was there but, I was too young and stupid to realize it.

If I could I would change for her.

I wish I would have known then.

"What are you so invested in over there?" Austin asked.

"None of your business!" I shouted.

"Maybe not. " He shrugged snatching the journal out of my hands.

"Give it back." I growled reaching for it.

"Who the hell is this Lauren person!?" He yelled throwing the journal at me. "Are you sleeping with her?"

"It's none of your business Austin!"

"Fucking unbelievable." He mumbled running through a red light.

"Watch where you going!"

"Shut up Mila." Austin pressed the gas harder, zipping through cars and more traffic lights. "I loved you , you know?" He chuckled.

"I don't love you." I mumbled.

"Thought so." Austin whispered as he pressed the brakes.


"We're back." Brian said entering the house carrying Carter in his arms.

"Hey." I smiled from behind the computer.

Brian put Carter down into the room and came into the living room, he sat down next to me.

"How's the book coming?"


He sighed and pulled me closer to him. "You miss her don't you. " He asked placing a kiss on my forehead.

"You still miss Normani don't you?"

"You know I do." He said clearing his throat. "But, he's happy and belongs to someone else."

"I wish I was there to save her..from herself."

A/N : I am sooo fucking sorry guys! I got busy with school and Army stuff. Don't kill me.

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