Chapter 25

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I stood there breatheless watching Dinah put watts into Camila's chest hoping to give her life again. I felt like everything in the world had stop,  everything but this moment.  It was stuck on replay.

This was my fault, I should have been there for her like I promised but, I knew promises were meant to be broken but, that one has been the most broken.

Matthew lied, this job wasn't easy, having other lives coincide with yours. You feel what the feel, your emotions become their reflection.

"CLEAR!"Dinah yelled,  I couldn't bring myself to see Camila's limp body laying there.

Camila's body jolted up out of the bed and quickly fell back down, I couldn't bring myself to look at her; watching her die in front of me..that's something I didn't want to do.

After a few mintues Dinah gave up but, I could see something more in her eyes; as if she wanted Camila to be saved like her life depended on it.

"Try again. " I whispered.

"Lauren she's-"

"Try again. " I said raising my voice a little. Dinah complied to my request once more. I turned away from Camila. I walked out of the room into the hall and did something I hated to do but, what do I have to lose.

I secluded myself into a corner.

And I prayed.


When I entered the room again,  it was quiet, they surrounded the bed and it hit me.

She's gone.

Dinah turned around with a small smile on her face, I couldn't understand why she was smiling. Dinah, Matthew, and Brian all moved back from the bed. My eyes met their's briefly and I looked at the bed to see Camila,  laying there quietly watching me.

My heart began to kick start into over drive, I didn't know if I was happy she was alive or something was wrong with me.

"Can I talk to her?" I asked before clearing my throat once more. "Alone."

They nodded. Matthew & Brian, walked out.Dinah rested a hand on Camila's forearm. A small smile appeared on both of their faces. "Thank you." Camila said barely audible.

"You're welcome Camila." Dinah gave Camila's hand a quick squeeze and walked over to me. "Make it right." She whispered into my ear before leaving the room.

"I died didn't I?" She asks.

I lowered my head and nodded. "You did." She exhaled deeply. "But, you came back. "

"I shouldn't have." She replied.

"Why would you say that?"

"You don't understand Lauren. " She says sitting up right.

"You don't allow me too. You don't trust me to know anything about you Camila!" I snapped.

"I can't trust someone who constantly lies to me!" She retorted.

That was a blow to the gut, maybe because it's true.

"It's not-"

"You lie Lauren, it's what you do to make people feel better. You're a people pleaser, you don't do shit for yourself. That's your problem!"

"You don't know me Camila. "  I said rubbing my eyes.

"I know what you showed me." She shrugged.

"But that's-"

"But that's not you right?" She laughed. "Lauren,  you're just like everyone else. When I want to trust you, you mess it up for yourself." She began fiddling with the bed sheet. "I want to trust you-"

"But, you can trust me Camila." I interjected.

"Lauren-Dr.Jauregui I can't trust you and I won't. "

A/N : my mom called me at 6am to say "don't hit on your softball coach"

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