Chapter 43

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How do you deal with someone you care about-Someone you weren't suppose tp care about walking out on you?

Maybe it was my fault. My whole life i've done the wrong thing and tried to cover it up by doing the right thing.

What was Camila? Was she the right or wrong? It was wrong to be-to be so caught up with her. She was my patient but, it seemed more and I inew it was wrong to have feelings for her. I knew. But, I couldn't help it in the long run . She was what I wanted. What I needed.

Although, I wasn't what she wanted. What she needed.

She was like a butterfly and I was spring it took a little love and she was set free.

I was lover and she was a runner.

In the end. She ended up leaving me behind in the dust.

"Lauren?" Dinah's voice brought me back to reality. A reality I hated..because she wasn't in it.

A year ago, if you would have told me I would have been a doctor at a hospital I hated, gotten cheated on by my long-term girl/fiancee, that I would have been falsely accused of sexual assault and rape..then, arrested for it I would have laughed.

But, if you would have told me I would have been so close to finding the one and she would walk away from me. I would have thought you were slightly insane.

I wouldn't have believed it for a second.

Maybe because,  I'm near insanity myself without her.

"Lauren, the plane is waiting on us for take off." Dinah said. I nodded. She gave me a brief smile and headed towards the plane.

I reached for my phone in my pocket and something brushed against my fingertips. I slowly grabbed the object, pulling it out of my pocket.

A polaroid picture.

A picture I don't remember taking. I was sleeping with Camila wrapped up in my arms she took the picture.

I smiled.

At the bottom of the picture was an arrow pointing to the right.

I turned the picture to the backside revealing a small note.

"While you were sleeping. I didn't know then.."

What didn't she know? I always be wondering.


"How are you liking it here?" Dylan, my realtor asked as we entered the last room of the house.

I nodded. "It's beautiful Dylan."

"You don't seem convincing."

I shrugged. "It's not me who needs to be convincing. It's Dinah." I laughed running my hand through my hair.

"I heard my name." Dinah said excitedly.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"I love it!" She pulled me into an extremely unwanted and tight hug.

"So do you guys want to buy it?" He asked us clasping his hands together.

"Already did."


Five years.

That's how long it took. After we bought the house it took us five years to completely move out of Miami.

We contemplated on going back a few times-Well I did.

But, I didn't.

Dinah found a new and better job here in Calabasas.

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