Chapter 12

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Camila's Pov

Lauren has been gone for nearly six weeks, I don't have a calendar in here, I counted. I still couldn't understand why she did that..why risk your job for someone like me. Why Lauren?


I looked up to see Brian standing at my door with someone else, I pray to God it's not another roomate.

"Who's this?"

"You remember my brother right?"

I nod and look at the boy who couldn't be any older than seventeen.

"Daniel, don't you have something to say to Camila?"

Daniel sighed and stepped further into my room.  "I'm sorry for helping you attempt to escape."


He came closer to me and leaned in a little. "I'm really not sorry, I was kinda hoping you'd escape this hell hole on the first try." He whispered.

"Too bad I didn't." I giggled.

"Daniel, I'll be back."

"I'm not ten years old anymore bro." Daniel hissed.

"Maybe not but, I still have to watch out for you little bro."

Brian laughed and disappeared from our view.

"I heard you beat the shit out of Emily." Daniel said taking an unannounced seat at my desk.

"How do you know her? She was only here for like three days, two at the most because the three day she was in the ICU."

"I've been here so long, I know everything, the same way I knew your name."

Well, he just made my top twenty creeper list.

"What else do you know?"

"I told you I know everything Camila." He laughs making himself at home.

"What do you know about Dr. Jauregui?"

"Honestly, I know nothing about her she's not even my doctor"

"Can you find out?"

"Are you asking me to spy on your doctor Ms. Cabello? " He smirks.

"Camila?" Brian said from my door. "Dr. Jauregui wants to see you."

"Are we having a session?"

"No, she just wanted to speak with you." I nod and walk over to him.

"Daniel, you too"

"Why me? She isn't my doctor."

"She is now." Brian replied.


Lauren's Pov

"You look like shit." Camila laughed.

"I haven't slept in weeks, I feel like shit."

"So you're not fired for practically almost killing Peter?"

"I guess not." I shrugged.

"You know, the police dragged him out of here? He couldn't even walk, what did you do exactly?"

I sat down next to her, I look at quick look at her and looked down at my feet. "I did what I promised Camila,  it's my fault that happened to you.  I should have stopped you sooner-"

"Lauren, don't beat yourself up okay? I can't change what I did and neither can you. You're a good person." 

She rested her hand on mine, I smiled at her and went back to sitting on my desk as my feet barely touched the floor.

"This is this most you've ever talked to me."

"Maybe because this isn't a session." She replied.

"Maybe, How have you been Camila?"

"I could be better."

"No night terrors?" I ask.

"Thankfully, no!" She giggled.

"What's up with you and Daniel?'

Camila's head immediately shot up. She looked at me like she was hiding something.

"Oh, h-he's my u-uh boyfriend!"


"Yeah, my boyfriend.  Am I not allowed to date Dr. Jauregui? " She says timidly.  "What are you my mother?"

"I didn't know patients could date." I shrugged.  "And I couldn't be your mother,  that's physically impossible." I said clearing my throat.

"What do you mean because of our ages?"

"Well, that too but-"

"You wanted to see me?" Daniel says entering the office.

I cleared my throat once more. "Yeah, come in Daniel."  I hopped down off my desk. "Camila,  you can go on. I'll see you tomorrow same time."

"Okay." She nodded and looked at Daniel before walking out.

"Camila tells me you two are dating."

"If that's what you want to call it" He mumbled.

"Just know, if you hurt her, I'll hurt you." I said coldly.  "Understand?"

He nodded quietly and distanced himself from me.

"Good. Dr. Andrews says that I'm going to be your doctor for awhile?"


"Don't be scared Daniel, I'm not going to hurt you unless you hurt her and Peter is a prime example. "

"I wouldn't."

"Good, we're on the same page then." I said giving him an extremely hard pat on the pack.

A/N : it's 2014 almost 15 and we don't have 5H pajamas,  management slipping yo.

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