Chapter 28

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Camila hasn't been talking to me during sessions, she just sits there and gawks at me like I'm an idiot. We were making so much; back at square one.

Since Dinah moved in with me, she's been pestering me with questions and solutions to my "problems". This is the problem having a friend that you've known since birth, they think they know everything about you and can fix all of your problems.

"Lauren I need your help." Brian said almost breathless, barging in my office.


"Camila..Jamie.." He said trying to catch his breathe. "Roomates."

"Shit." I mumbled rushing out of the office.

I thought people would learn not to give Camila a roommate, did they not learn from the first experience.

When I got towards Camila's room I could hear her shouting at Jamie.

"Get out of my room!" Camila yelled.

"No." Jamie firmly said.


"Did I studder?" Jamie snapped back.

"No but, you fell." Camila smirked forcefully pushing Jamie into the desk Camila calls a metal death trap.

I quickly pull Camila away before she has the chance to give Jamie the same welcoming as she gave Emily.

"What is wrong with you!" I yelled.

"Me? You didn't hear-"

"I don't care Camila! You can't go around beating up people because you don't want a goddamn roommate. "

I picked up Jaime off the floor, the poor girl was shaking like she was in Antarctica without a jacket.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She silently nodded and I rested a hand on her shoulder. "Good."

"How predictable, you comfort the poor girl that got hurt." Camila said with a light chuckle.

"If I remember you were-"

"I was what Dr. Jauregui?" She said cutting me off.

By now Camila was starting to get on my bad side. I didn't want to say the wrong thing to her but, someone needed to but, me being. I kept my mouth shut and didn't say it.

I moved away from Jamie, slowly approaching Camila.

"What do you want." She spat.

"Let's go." I replied.

"What are you trying to prove Lauren?" She whispered raising an eyebrow.

"Go to my office. Now." I growled.

"I'm not-"

"It wasn't a goddamn request Camila. " I snapped. "Now go."

Camila brushed passed me, hitting me in my shoulder with hers.


I closed the door to my office, when I turned around Camila was glaring at me like; she was plotting my death.

"Why did you do that?" I ask.

"Why did you? You're always yelling at me."

"I'm not always yelling at you Camila, I yell at you to get your attention. That seems to be the only way you listen. I don't see how your parents delt with you."

"You don't know shit."

"You're right, I only know what you've shown me Camila. " I said matching her tone. "I'm not going keep letting you.." I sighed.

"What? You always have something to say." She yelled. "Why not now Lauren?" She asks stepping closer to me. "Why not huh?" She says inches from my face. Her eyes become glossy. "Say it." Her voices cracks as she pushes me back.

"Camila.." I felt myself becoming angrier by the second.

"Say it!" She pushed me once more causing my lower back to be hit by the door knob. "Say it Lauren!"

"Camila, stop!" I yelled back. "I'm trying to help you!" I said getting a hold of both her hands.

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