Chapter 49

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Today was a good day. Well to say the least.


"You look like shit."

"Geez thanks." I replied sarcastically.

"I tell it like it is." Dinah said as she plotted down next to me on the sofa.

"I can tell."

"You just look sad." She said laying her head on my shoulder. "Did Camila not give you none before she left?"

I could feel the smirk she had on her face.

"Mind your business Hansen." I replied taking my shoulder out from under her.

"You're an ass!" She spat.

"At least I got some." I scoffed getting off  the couch.


This is something I never quite understood. Maybe I never will, I don't want to try and 'understand' either. I'm better off not knowing.

Maybe it's what I deserve.


"Does she know about Carter?" Brian asked me.

"She wants to meet him."


I nodded. "I'm not sure about it though. What if Carter doesn't like her or what if she doesn't like him."

Brian laughed in my face. "I doubt that. I've seen Lauren with kids."

"When?" I huffed. "You haven't seen her since the hospital and, she didn't even have any kid patients. Really the only.."

Brian stood there with the most annoying smirk on his face. "You were really the only patient." He snickered.

"Oh, fuck you." I groaned catching on to the joke. "I wasn't a kid. I was just young."

"You were. Lauren had just turned 25 and you were 19 going on 9."

"You know what?"

"I know alot." He replied.

"It was a rhetorical question." I snapped.

"And mine was a sarcastic answer."

"I bet this is how Lauren feels with Dinah." I muttered.






Five .






"Will you stop?" Jacob asked.

"No Dad, I will not stop."

"I don't know what's bothering you so much it's been five years. Five years Lauren. I let you slide because Dinah said you were fine." He snapped. "Five years is too long to keep going on like-"

"Like the world ended? Well it did. Mine did."

I sat there in the leather chair across from him. This was my seat. It has been for years. It will always be mine.

"You can't stop at these five increments."

"I like 5's" I shrugged.

"How would Camila feel about your behaviour?

My head shot up.

"I don't know." I laughed. "I'll ask her when I come around to the idea."

"It'll get better Lauren."

"No Dad, it won't." I sighed.

I came to the realization a long time ago. It'll never get better. It's been five years, nothing changed.

It still hurts.

A/N : Remember when I use to confuse you guys like ALL THE TIME? Well It's back. These next 10 chapters will be fun.

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