Chapter 16

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"Camila,  you and I"

"Lauren we are talking?"

"Camila, I mean we should talk."

"I'm not following you." I giggled.

"You're not a fan of Vanessa are you?"

"Do you really want me to answer that Dr. Jauregui?"

She furrowed her eyebrows at me and this playful smug smirk was soon put on her face.

"I want you to be honest with me."

"Completely honest?"

"Yes. I think we can be honest with each other" She replied pushing herself off of the desk.

"Lauren there is something I'm not telling you"

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you, I have to show you" I let out a deep breath placing my index and middle finger on the side of my temple.

"Then show me." Lauren said extending out her hand which I unsurely took.


"Camila where are you taking me?" Lauren laughs and I tug her along.

"You'll see."

"Is it a surprise or something?"

"Yeah, I'm sure its a shocker" I mumbled.

I peeked around the corner , we weren't too far from where Lauren had found me thirty minutes ago.

"Camila, why are we here?"

"Shush, be quiet. Just watch okay?" She looked at me confused and peeked around the corner. She watched them distinctively. I stood there in silence watching her watch her. I know. I know that feeling.  Heartache. Distrust.  Regret. Anger. Hatred.

"Why did you show me this?" She asks clinching her fist still watching them.

"You needed to know." I whispered.

Lauren slowly turned to face me, her glossy eyes told a different story than what they spoke before.

"I'm going to go." Lauren walked right passed me.

For a brief moment, I felt like an angel fell from the sky. I know what it is like to have the rug pulled right from under you. It hurt to seem her hurt. No good person should have bad things done to them.

Without me even realizing it Lauren was gone.

"So this is what you do on late nights Vanessa!" I heard someone yell.

Fucking Lauren.

I peeked around the corner carefully trying to be seen.

"Lauren please, you're going to make a scene" Vanessa pleaded.

"A scene?" Lauren laughed loudly. "I'm making a goddamn scene Vanessa? You're the one out here practically having sex with your-whoever this tall person is"

The taller girl was about to reply to Lauren's remark but, Vanessa quickly stopped her.

"Rachel , just go back inside." Vanessa said to the taller woman.

"I'm your boss and your telling me to do my job so you can dump your girlfriend" She laughed.

At least, I'm not the only one who thinks that.

"Please?' Vanessa asked her once more. The woman named Rachel kissed Vanessa before leaving them alone.


"Lauren you know why."

"Is this some kind of sick joke Vanessa? To play me for some fucking fool. Is that it? Do I amuse you!" Lauren yelled. "How long?"

"Lauren it doesn't.."

"How fucking long Vanessa!?" Lauren growled.

"6 months" Vanessa whispered.

Lauren placed her hand over her mouth and began pacing back and forth.

"Lauren I know you're-"

"You don't know shit Vanessa!" Lauren snapped at her causing me to jump and I wasn't even getting yelled at. "I want you out of my house. Tonight"

"Lauren,  I can't.."

"Do you understand!" Vanessa nodded. Lauren made her back to where I was. I stood there not knowing whether to leave or not.

I tried to make a run for it but, it failed when I heard footsteps behind me.


"Y-yeah Lauren?"

"I'm sorry you had to hear that." She sighed deeply.

"I should have left." I replied.

Lauren was standing in front of me, her breaths became shorter and her nostrils began to flare up.

"Thank you Camila. " She rested a hand on my shoulder. "For showing me" She smiled half heartedly.

"You had to know."

"Is that why you didn't like her?"


"Then? Wait don't answer that" She chuckled rolling her eyes.

"How can you be so nonchalant and you just got your heart ripped out?" I ask, she just shrugs and leans against the wall.  When she's like this, she looks like she's my age.

"I don't have one Camila"

"Well that makes two of us." I mumbled.

"I don't believe that." She leaned over and pressed her lips to my cheek."Come on, I should get you back."

A/N : So long. Guys, my voice is changing again. Like ugh I use to have like a high pitched voice, now it's raspy. Geez

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