Chapter 59

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Have you ever just met someone and you didn't know why they were put into your life. But as time went on-You still didn't know.

When I was younger, I thought I knew everything. But in reality I knew nothing.

It took one decision, one choice to turn my life upside.

I thought it was for the worse but, once I was older I knew. I knew the answer to the question I've been asking myself since I met her.

It was always her. Camila. When I think of her I can't help but smile.

Camila saved my life.


I was waiting outside by the car for Carter and Brian.

"Mommy!" Carter yelled running towards me. "Are you taking me to see her again?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Wait in the car, I have to ask your dad something."

"See ya bud." Brian yelled from the front door.

"You sure you don't want to come?"

"Nah, that's your thing." He smiled."Tell her 'Hello' for me."


"Mommy!" Carter said jumping into Lauren's arms.

"Hey buddy! You're getting big. I think you grew a few inches."

He nodded with a huge grin plastered across his face. "Mom said, that if I stretch I grow."

A smile came to my face, in a few short years Carter won't even want to be seen with one of us. I value the moments I have with him before he hits high school.

"Did she now?" Lauren asked. "Well, your mom is right because she's so smart." Lauren said winking at me.

"Can I go play?" Carter asks as Lauren puts him down.

"Sure bud, just be careful not to wake your brother." Lauren said.

Carter ran off into his room. "He's down for a nap huh?" I asked wrapping my arms around Lauren's waist.

"Yeah, poor little tike tired himself out." Lauren said kissing my temple. "I got news for you."

"Which is? " I asked pulling away from her. She had this smug look on her face before reaching into a cardboard box.

"Close your eyes. " She whispered. I closed my eyes. Lauren pulled both of my hands and placed my hands in front of me, putting my palms upwards. I felt something heavy being placed inti my hand. "Open." She instructed, I slowly opened my eyes to see the book.

"It took us eight years but, here it is. " She ran a hand through her hair. "Our story."

"Who knew people would actually want to know about it."

I couldn't believe that things, I had written about from my adolescent years to this very moment, caught the interest of others. It just started as me writting about the hospital and Lauren and my life but, as time went on stories got added mine and Lauren's to tell our story. Piece by piece coming together to make something bigger.

"Hey Camz?"

"Yeah?" I asked inhaling sharply. I felt like crying.

"You kept your promise." She whispered pressing her lips against mine.

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