Chapter 35

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Over the last few days things have been strange. Even for this place, one morning I came into my office things were missing and my door was completely opened. Me, being me I thought I might have left it opened-unlocked even but, that didn't seem right.

"What's today's date?" I ask, as I continue my work.

"I don't know." Dinah shrugged spinning around in my swivel chair."October 3."

I laughed to myself. "Shouldn't you be watching Mean Girls?" I ask.

Dinah groaned,  banging her head against my desk. "I'm gonna get banned from the fan club!"

"Get out."

"Don't be rude." She hissed as she gathered her things from my desk. "I'm only leaving because, I have lives to save."

"Like I don't?" I huffed closing my book.

"I never said that."She shrugged making her way towards the door. "You sit in a swivel chair all day and write "notes", not much life saving."

"Get out." I shook my head at her as I heard the door completely shut once she had left.


"Lauren, I need go." Ally said frantically.

"Go?" I replied watching her place her things into the duffelbag. "You just got here."

"Lauren I can't stay here."

"I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you to  stay with me.".

Ally glanced at me and let out the breath the was holding. "Lauren,  this can never work. As much as I want you. We can never be. I live in L.A. and you live here. Here isn't for me."

"So you're leaving just like that." I scoffed.

"Lauren, don't." Ally said beginning to sulk.

"Ally. It's fine. I'm not going to stop you from living your dreams."

"You had some too if I remember correctly." She half-heartedly smiled. "You're a good person Lauren, She's out there,  don't worry."

"Her who?" I chuckled. "Can I meet her?" I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I think you already have." Ally said softly.

"You think so huh?" I say I reach across the bed to pick up her bags. She nods and a smile grows on my face. "You were always an optimus."

She laughed lightly. "Even I know it's not all sunshine and rainbows."

"Just for the record, this was fun."

"Yeah. Just don't blame yourself anymore." Ally Brooke placed a kiss on my cheek. I watched her left my life like the last time.


Something was tugging at my sleeve. I felt myself being dragged into a dark place. I quickly begun swatting the hands I felt restraining me.

"Lauren stop!" They yelled turning on the light switch. "It's me!"

"What the hell Matthew!" I yelled pushing him. "Why are we in a supply closet."

"Keep your voice down." He replied covering my mouth. "I can't believe you Lauren."

I removed his hands. "What now?" I rolled my eyes.

"This is what!" He says throwing a couple of Polaroids at me. I caught the ones that hit me in my chest. I glanced at them amd stood there silently.

The wooden door in front of us was sooner broken down. Matthew ran out as fast as he couldn't leaving me dazed and confused.

"Lauren Jauregui,  your under arrest for the rape of Jamie Stewart.."

I felt the familiar coldness of the cuffs being placed tightly around my wrist. The officers dragged me out of the closet, all eyes were on me.

Camila stood there in the middle off the hallway,  her eyes met mine once again,  like previous times before. I quickly turned from her gaze.

The question was dawning on me once again.

Why do you work here?

A/N : Sorry for the no updates guys. I sprained my finger, kinda hard to type/text. It's kind of restricting me, my finger is like the size of s churro.

My mom wants me to settle down and get a "girlfriend" I don't remember what you do with one, do I just like love on her and leave her in a corner?

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