Chapter 39

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"Will you stop staring at her?" Dinah smacking me upside the head. "If I didn't know you, I would say you have a crush on her."

"What!?" I scoffed. "That's crazy." I said glancing at Camila once again.

"Look, I'm just saying.  First you hook up with Ally now you're making googly eyes at Camila." She said.

"It's not like that." I sighed. "You're imagining things again. Like that time you said Taylor Launter was your boyfriend."

"Screw you." She muttered. "All I'm saying Camila is.." She glanced at her and directed her attention back to me. "She's a great person but, you two could never happen.  It's against policy."

"And here I thought you were going to say she's a hot piece-"

"Of Cuban ass?" She smirked. "Oh, she is. TRUST ME but, that's your business.  Not mine."

"Don't you have a patient to, I don't"

"Don't get antsy with me Jauregui." She rolled her eyes . "You'll see." She winked at me as she lefted my side entering the elevator.

Sometimes I envy Brian. His relationship with Camila.  Not because,  I-I mean because,  that's what I want. She trust him and not me.

"What you doing?" I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

"You ass!" I growled punching Matthew in his shoulder.

"You hit it like a fucking man." He replied rubbing his shoulder.

"That's what you're mother said last night." I smirked.

"Oh, grow up Lauren."

"Not my fault your mom wants me." I mumbled "Still does."

"Anyways. " He mumbled. "Can you go buy me lunch?"

"Lunch? You have your own car. Your own money."

"I do but, I asked you." He smiled holding out his American Express card.

"Fine! Whatever ever. Text me what you want." I scoffed snatching the card from him.


"You look relaxed."

I looked up from my book and looked back down at it. "What do you want?"

"You're in a great mood."

"Look Dr. Andrews." I snapped closing my book. "I don't feel like talking today."

"Lucky for you I didn't want to talk." He winked at me as he pulled papers from his brief case. "Just something for you to read. Dr. Jauregui told me to give this to you." He said handing me a thin stack of papers.

"What's this?"

"I don't know. " He shrugged.  "Read it."


"See you around Camila." He said walking away.

I placed my book down onto my desk. Why would she give me something to read? I tapped my fingers against the papers debating whether to read them.

But, as usual my curiosity got the best of me.

I skimmed through the papers, one by one. Realizing everything I've known or thought I've known was no longer what I knew.


"Here's your stupid lunch." I said handing Matthew his bag.

"Aw, thanks Laur you shouldn't have." He smirked heavily. "Oh, Camila wants to see you." He said walking away from me. "She's in her room!"

"Thank you?" I mumbled.

I walked down the hall towards Camila's room, something..something felt wrong. When I entered her room, the feeling got stronger.

"What's that?" I ask, Camila's head quickly shot up. "What? What's wrong?"

She stayed silent.

"Camila what's wrong?" I ask. Camila roughly threw the papers into my chest.

"Is that why you work here?" She asks. I organized the papers and fixated my vision on the documents.

"Camila, it's not-"

"It's not what I think Lauren? You're a rapist,  you murdered some poor girl. That's what this says!" She says raising her voice.

"Camila, that's not-"

"God, I am so stupid. Here I am.." She says starting to pace across the floor. "And to, Classic Camila!" She laughed. "I have a  feeling for a rapist. "

"Wait, you have feelings for ne?" I ask.

"Had. Had a feeling. You think I would learn." She mumbled.

"Camila let me explain. " I said reaching for her hand,  only to see her retract it.

"Don't. " She hissed. "I don't want to see you."

"Camila let me-"

"Get out."

"Get out Lauren!"

I bowed my head and did as she asked, once I turned my back.  I heard a faint sobbing coming from behind me.

A/N : FOREVER since an update! I should be ashamed.

Lauren will never call me.

There's a girl in my choir who looks like Ally, same height and all-just different hair.

I hate high school.

Me and my crush are on speaking terms, while the black girl beat me because,  I was singing with some other girl.

Life yo. /.-

Women. -.-


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