Chapter 44

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It's not like the movies.

I always wondered what my life would be like if I would have stayed at the hotel with Lauren til' Sunday morning.

Would I have told her everything about my life. Would she have told me about hers. Where would we be today?

Would I be here?

I often feel like it was a mistake. But, it was for. Her own good.

Brian had brought Carter back as promised. Shortly after, I put Carter down in his race car bed. He left with Lindsay about an three hours ago.

"I can do this." I sighed biting the pen between my teeth. I placed my fingers on the home row keys. "Think." I groaned.

I took the pen out of my mouth and threw it onto my work desk. I don't understand, I was good at this. I use to be able to write without any problems.

What's so different now?

"I'm home." Brian's voice echoed through the house. I got up from my desk leaving my office.  I headed into the living room where I knew he would be. "Hey Mila." He said as he put his jacket on the hook.

"Hey." I smiled. "No sleep over tonight?" I laughed.

"Nope, not tonight." He chuckled. "She has a business meeting in Houston." He said as began taking off his shoes.

"Busy lady."

"Yeah." He replied, placing his shoes down."How's the writing comin' ?" He asks, he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Terrible actually." I confessed.

"Why is that?"

"I have nothing to write about." I shrugged walking into the kitchen.

He followed right behind me. "Is it that you have nothing to write about or Lauren is no longer what you write about?" He questioned.

That had been the first time in five years, he had ever said her name. Why now?

"She's not-"

"Mila, who are you trying to fool?" He asked taking a beer out of the fridge. "Did you forget I was there when it all started. I was there when you fell in love with her."

"I don't love-"

"Stop." Brian said raising his hand. "You love her. You can't admit it, that's why you haven't moved on."

"She's not the reason why I began writing."

"Isn't she though?" He chuckled. "When I left you the first day in your room after you came back from her office,  you asked me to get you a journal. And I did. " He said calmly. "Later that night you began to write, everyday for a year. Three journals, seven hundred and sixty-two pages about Lauren.  She was your muse. You lost your muse."

He was right as usual. Like the smart ass he has been for six years.

"Give her a call." He said placing a piece of paper in my hand.


"I want to thank all of you for coming out tonight to celebrate my engagement with Giselle." I said pulling her closing to me. "As well as my birthday."

"Old ass!" Dinah yelled out.

"And to my bestfriend Dinah Jane Hansen who has always been here." I smiled. "You're my rock kiddo." I cleared my throat avoiding choking on my words. "To Giselle and Dinah everybody." I said raising my glass.

"Giselle and Dinah." Everyone cheered.

Everyone began dancing shortly after the speech.

"Can you believe your thirty years old and we're engaged." Giselle gushed.

"You make me sound old."

"Maybe because you are." She teased.

Dinah rudely pushed Giselle aside. She angrily walked towards the other party go-ers. "You know you could call this whole thing off and fly to Miami and find your Cinderella."

"Enough with Camila." That was over. "I'm not going to keep pretending that it was just a dream and I'll wake up in the hospital with her. It's not like the movies Dinah. We both know Camila won't show up. She's better off without me. Forget about her. I did.."

"Five years and you forget about me?" A raspy toned voice said from behind us.

I slowly turned around. "Camila?"

"In the flesh." She said awkwardly.

She looked differently. Her hair was lighter,  she grew a little taller, Her skin had been perfectly kissed by the sun.

"You came." Dinah said pulling the younger girl into a hug.

I stood there awkwardly. I cleared my throat and the pulled apart quickly.  "It's nice to see you again." I said reaching my hand out to her.

"Lauren,  who is this?" Giselle asked standing by my side once more.

'My everything.'  My heart screamed. "A dear friend."

"Camila this is Giselle,"

"Hoe." Dinah coughed. Giselle shot her a death glare.

"Fiancee." Giselle said.

"Oh." Camila simply said. "Lauren never mentioned you." Camila smirked.

"Likewise." Giselle said. "How long have you two been friends?"

"You must not know bout' her you must not know bout' her." Dinah said as she walked off drinking her champagne.

A/N : Dinah though.

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