Chapter 47

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I don't know where this sudden burst of confidence came from but, I kinda like it.


"No? " She responded raising an eyebrow.

"I-I mean I could take them off for you-I'd love too.." I said matter of factly. "Not that I want to sleep with you-You know what I'm just gonna stop."

Camila stood in front of me having a giggle fit. What was so funny?

"You just seem nervous." Camila blushed adorably, making my heart flutter."I am too." I began walking forward, I pulled her closer to me by her hand and pressed my lips to hers.

I had only intended a single soft kiss but something about her lips drew me in. I felt my eyes close, and my tongue take control of the kiss as my free hand went to her cheek, caressing her soft skin, exploring her mouth with my tongue.

Without letting go of her hand, I moved carefully around the food and wine, wanting nothing more in this moment than to have her close to me. I stood and pulled her too her feet, and pulled her body to mine and wrapped my arms around her, the kiss continuing somewhat more passionately as she put her arms around my shoulders and ran her fingers through my hair.

I could not stop kissing her as my lips peppered soft kisses along the edge of her chin. My arms began to caress her back and she sighed softly as my kisses made their way from her neck to her ear lobe.

I placed my hand on the back of her skin tight black dress, unzipping the dress slowly. "Are you okay?" I whispered as I moved back a few inches. She nodded with a small smile.

"Can you help me?"

I moved back so that was at the same closeness I once was with her. Camila turned around her back to me as she placed her hair over her right shoulder.

I reached for her hook on the back of her dress. My hands began to twitch. As the hook became unlatched I watch as the black dress hit the floor. My eyes made their way up looking at Camila as she slowly faced me.

I inhaled sharply taking in the view in front of me. Camila's black lace lingerie hugged her body in all the right places. Was she expecting us to..Did she know I would drop Giselle like a hot cake-Doesn't matter.

"You look amazing." I whispered.


I laid my head there on Lauren's chest, listening to the waves crash apon the shore through the balcony doors.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked as she began tracing circles on my lower back.

"I don't know Camz.." She exhaled loudly. " whole thing..what if I wake up tomorrow and all of this was a dream?"

I smiled to myself. "It's not..I'm here."

"Really?" She asked slowly bringing her hand up back.

I pinched her, she quickly shifted her body,  I laughed at her sudden movement. "It's real."

"That hurt." She mumbled. Lauren wrapped her arms around my waist tighter. "Seriously, don't you ever wonder what would've happend if I haven't taken the job at the hospital. Do you think we would have ever met out on the street or something in that vicinity?"

"Well, that depends." I said finally letting my eyes meet hers. "Do you believe in chance or fate?"

"Definitely fate but, also chance too."

"Why is that?" I asked lifting my head off of her chest.

"Because." She smiled, she placed a kiss on my forehead."I met you because of fate but, took a chance on me."

"You're so soft." I grinned.

She rolled her eyes. "I tell you something sweet and I'm 'Soft', this is why I'm not-"

"No, I meant your body is soft." I mumbled.

"Hey! I'm-"

"Shit!" Lauren jumped up, pushing me onto the cold hard wooden floor. She wrapped herself up in the sheets.

I heard the foot steps getting closer and closer, until they stopped. "Lauren, Dinah wants to call your special friend Camila over. I have news to share with you and I want to meet this girl that swept you away."

Lauren let out a fake yawn. "Ally." Lauren cleared her throat. "Yeah, no problem.  Do you know what time it is?"

"7 a.m." She replied. "I'm surprised you're still in bed."

"Rough night." Lauren chuckled as she replied.

Well, that's true. It was a rough night.

"Well, I'm going to go. Call up your mystery girl." Ally said, the sound of fading footsteps indicated she had left the room.

I finally got up from the floor wrapping myself up in the blanket as Lauren shut her room door. "Found you." She mumbled.

"Not cool."

"Sorry, kinda unexpected." She said heading into her walk-in closet that was in her bathroom. "Do you want your clothes."

"Well no shit."

"You're not a morning person." Lauren said handing me my belongings off of the floor.

"No, especially not when my friend knocks me off the bed."

She raised one of her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes. "Alright Cabello, tone down your sass."

A/N : I have a friend named Chris who looks like Luis BUT, Chris is attractive. I have a sledgehammer pen.  I should snapchat you guys the picture.

Me and my special friend, Karla had a Camren moment in choir today and yesterday, everyone noticed.

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