Chapter 46

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"So how long are you here?" Lauren asks intertwining our hands.

I stopped dead in my tracks. "Honestly, I didn't fully think this through. I honestly thought you were going to reject me." I laughed running a hand through my hair. "Kinda of spur of the moment. "


"You know you should really go check up on your animal-I mean Giselle."

"Camz.." She groaned. "I'm sure Dinah kicked her out of our house by now-And by kicked out,  I mean throwing everything she owned in the trash."

I smiled to myself. "I always knew I liked her." I said as we began walking again.

"A little too much if you asked me." She scoffed as we turned another corner.

"Lauren Jauregui, are you jealous?" I smirked.

"I'm not." She hissed. "I'm just worried-"

"That I'll leave you."


Lauren dropped my hand as we entered the alley. That hurt. I admit it. I deserve that.

She stopped walking halfway into the alley. She was nervous. I could sense that. As I stood in front of her she slowly backed herself into the brick wall.

"I wouldn't leave you Lauren."

"How do I know that for sure?" She asked. "How do I know you're going to be here when the sun comes up?"

"So you don't trust me?"

She reached for my hand. "I trust you Camz..I'm just..I'm just scared." She admitted. "Five years Camila.  I couldn't get you outta my head. The day you walked into my office.." She began sporting a grin like she won the lottery."I felt-"

"You don't have to tell me Lo." I smiled

"That's something I haven't heard in a while." She replied.  Lauren grabbed gently grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer towards. "I'm scared babe. I'm thirty years old and I'm scared of a twenty-five year old girl, that I've known since she was nineteen."

"I'm scared too." I whispered cupped her cheek with my hand.

She shook her head. "I'm scared to fall for you."

"I'll be there to catch you." I said giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Promise. I love you Lauren Jauregui. "

"Say it again."

"I love-"  Lauren leaned forward, her warm breath waa hitting my lips. I closed my eyes and then gently placed my lips onto Lauren’s. She smiled into the kiss, I tried to slowly pull away, but Lauren placed her hand on my waist pulling me even closer, to lightly bite on my lower lip.


"Camila.." She giggled. I fully backed off of her.

We stood there like that for a few minutes. Me looking at her. Her looking at me. Moments like this are the ones people wish for.

"It's going to rain." She whispered reaching for my hand once again.

"How do you-"

Just then the rain began to fall. "Come on." She said tugging me along.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as I ran through a puddle causing my dress to get wet.



Lauren struggled to unlock the french doors. After a few tries she finally got it open and we tumbled inside.

She flipped on the nearby switch. "This is it?"

"It's nice." I replied.

"It was all Dinah's design." She laughed. "I'm gonna get you some clothes." She said taking her drenched 'The 1975' T-shirt off, revealing her toned abdomen. I knew Lauren had a body but I didn't know she had that under those lab coats. " Are sweats and a T-shirt okay?"

"That's fine." I smiled.

"Cool." She smiled back. "I'll be back with your clothes."

Lauren disappeared into the hallway leaving me alone in their living room. Being a human being I walked around and began looking at the pictures that were placed along tables and a few on the fireplace.

Of course, most of them being of Dinah, Normani and Dinah's sister, I think Ally was her name. There was also some pictures of families and things like that.

But, one thing stood out the most. A picture in a dark green frame hanging on the wall. I walked over towards the picture.

Why would she still have this?

"I hope these are okay." Lauren said entering the living room. I turned to face her.

"Where's your shirt? "

"This is my house babe." She giggled. "Here's the clothes." Lauren handing me the clothes. "I'll just leave so you can put them on. The bathroom is the second door on the left." She said awkwardly

"Or you could pur them on for me."

A/N : omfg . My girlfriend said she was gonna shoot me because I sent her a picture of Lauren.

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