Chapter 3

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Camila's Pov

To say that I was getting irritated was an understatement. "Can you let me go, you're man handling me." I yelled trying to escape their grasp.

"Camila, we are just trying to keep you calm." One of them, said restraining me.

"Let me ask you something, would you be calm if you had to giant men holding you?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Brian, is it?" I ask running my index finger across his name plate pinned to his shirt.

"No, I wouldn't." He said apologetically.

"Then, can you loosen your grip." I said in a calming tone, shortly he loosens his grip and I give him a light smile. 

"Dude, really? She's not even in her room and you eased up." The other one hissed.

"She's a girl." Brian shrugged, while the other guy had too much control of my left arm. Dragging me to some unknown place.

"I don't care." He shouted before storming off.

Well at least one of them had some type of manners and was being nice. I shouldn't even be in this place.

"Camila, this is your room for now. You'll be assigned to a doctor and a roommate later. I'll be back with your change of clothes soon as possible" Brian said as I took in the boring vibe of the plain white room. This could not be more dreadful.

"Thank you, I suppose." I said taking a seat on the uncomfortable cot in the corner of the room. "This is great."


"Camila?" Brian said knocking on the door.

"Matthew wants to speak with you." He informed me.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"Oh, I meant, Dr. Andrews." He laughed. "Sorry, I'm new at this." He genuinely smiled, I brought myself over towards him and he led the way. Brian seemed like a really nice person. Makes me wondered what he's doing here. He looks like he's in his early twenties. What indecent proposal led him to come here, even if it is a job. I wouldn't spend any time here, you'd have to an extreme amount of patience and sanity to do so.

"Dr. Andrews?" Brian lightly knocked on the door.

"Miss Cabello is here to see you." He said taking a quick glance at me, I smile and keeped my eyes on the doctor still behind his desk. Brian is seemingly attractive he's young, blonde hair, blue eyes. He kind of reminded me of  James Dean .

"Ah yes, come on in Camila. Thank you Brian." Dr. Andrews stood up. Now, he was attractive, mid thirties, chesnut brown hair, blue eyes. He's not married determining by the fact of no wedding ring, I bet all the girls are swooning over him.

"How are you, Camila?" He smiled as I took a seat in this highly uncomfortable wooden chair, this thing should be used for something more important.

"I'm fine, I guess. Not quite understanding why I'm here but, I am." I said obviously annoyed because I know he will start badgering me with questions in

"Well, why do you suppose you're here?" He asks.

"Like I said, I don't know they just forced me here." I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Well, we should find out." He chuckled.  How is this situation funny to him? "Are you going to be my doctor?" I ask.

"No, I'm the head doctor, I don't have patients" He said beginning to write something down on a piece of paper.

"Go to this room and you'll find your doctor." He said with this smug grin handing me the paper. I got out of the chair and made my way out of the room.

"See you around, Camila." He said as I walked away.

I highly doubt that you will Mr. Andrews.


The room number Dr. Andrews gave me wasn't far from my room. I didn't even bother to knock because they should be expecting me.

"Are you um..Dr. Jauregui?" I asked as his back was facing me. For guy he sure does have long hair.

"Yeah, you must be Camila." They said turning around to face me. Oh. I wasn't expecting him to be a her. She's undeniably goregous. Her wavy black hair and piercing green eyes but she doesn't look any older than eighteen.  The thought caused me to laugh. 

"What's funny?" She asks.

"Nothing. You just look like a teenager that's all." I shrugged. 

"Thank you but, I'm actually twenty-five." She smiled. 

"Oh, it wasn't a compliment. It was a statement." I smirked earning a glare from her.

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