Chapter 23

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"You not going to work is starting to piss me off." Dinah said. "When I come home , your just sitting there. What are you doing with your life!"

"Nothing. " I mumbled.

"Exactly. " She replied. "You need to get up and stop feeling bad for yourself!"

"I'm not." I said bluntly.

"Really? When is the last time you cleaned up? Have you not seen this place?"

I shrugged and briefly rolled my eyes." It's fine." I mumbled.

Even though she was right, I wasn't going to agree with her. The thing about Dinah is, she's always right. It is absolutely no sense of arguing with her. I've tried and lost multiple times.

"You're going to work. "

"The hell I am." I mumbled.

Just then Dinah hit me in the back of the head. "Get your shit together Lauren. "

"Get your shit together Lauren. " I said mockingly.


"What?...Who?...I don't have a choice..I'll be there."

I groaned loudly as I got out of the bed. I sleepily dragged myself to my closet with my eyes closed,  absent-mindedly knocking over things. I put on a pair of converse, a black v-neck, black skinny jeans and my leather jacket. It's cold outside.

"Where are you going?" Dinah yawned leaning against the door frame.


"Good for you Lauren Coco." She giggled walking away.

I smiled. "I'll be back." I said grabbing the keys to my motorcycle.


"Where have you been?" Matthew asked.

"Vaction." I yawned.

"Real cute Lauren." Matthew said narrowing his eyes at me. I knew he wanted to say something more but, he didn't. Thankfully.

"What happened?"

"It's Camila. "

"What about her?" I ask emotionless.

"She's gone ballistic."

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask rubbing my eyes with the sleeves of my jacket.

"She's your patient."

"And? I'm suppose to care for her to a certain extent not fucking attach myself at the hip with the girl Matthew!" I snapped.

"All I'm telling you is she's not gonna-you know what it doesn't matter.  All you care about is yourself!" He pushed my shoulder causing me to stumble backwards. "Here's your new patient. " He growled throwing the manila folder into my chest. "At least try to pretend you give a damn." He finished walking off.

I opened up the folder not caring about the information just who the information was protanting to.

"Jamie Stewart.." I whisper closing the folder.

A/N : as they say this is where the plot thickens. Lmao this Chapter was originally chapters 54 but, I'm rushing because I have to get this published in six months.

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