Chapter 14

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"Karla, where's Camila?" I ask kneeling down by her bedside.

"I don't know.."

She had this huge plastered grin across her face.



"How old are you?"

"I'll be ten soon"

I exhaled and sent her a small smile.


"Hmm?" She began twirling her hair around her index finger.

"Do you know what happened to Camila?"

"She's hiding. "

"Hiding from who?"

"The man with the blue tie" Karla whispered into my ear.

I knew , I knew Camila or Karla had multiple personalities. I wasn't really sure on how bad it was but, the real question is who is this person. Karla is willing to talk but, Camila isn't.

"Karla,  who's the man with the blue tie?"

"I'm not suppose to say."

"Why not?"

"He'll hurt Camila again"

The thought of someone hurting Camila upsets me, it makes my stomach turn. How can people hurt innocent kids? Well Camila isn't a child anymore she's nineteen but,  how ?

"Karla , who keeps hurting Camila?"

"I can't say.."

"Karla, you can tell me"

"I can't he's coming" She whispered.


No answer.


"Why are you calling me Karla?" She asks tilting her head to one side.


"That's why name, don't wear it out Lauren. " She replied.

"Holy shit" Brian mumbled.

I turn back to look at him. "I know." I sighed. I stood on my feet and ran a hand through my hair as I looked at Camila. "We need to talk."

"I don't want to talk, I'm going to go see Daniel. "


"Lauren.." She mocked.

"Get in my office..Now" I growled.

A/N : Demanding Lauren is attractive.

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