Chapter 18

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Once again still no Lauren,  I feel like this is my fault. I miss Lauren not her annoying nature but, I miss the company. Of course, I have Brian and Daniel but, being around Lauren is different.

"Camila?" I heard Brian called out from my doot. I put my pen down and got up from my desk to face him.


"Dr.Andrews wants to see you." He rolled his eyes. I swear it's like no one like him. Even the guys can't stand him.

"Fine." I groaned.


"What do you want Dr. Andrews?"

"Mila , we're friends. Call me Matthew,  please have a seat."

"I'd rather not. Why am I here?"

The grin he had on his face soon set as he combed through his perfectly styled chestnut brown mane.

"I'm happy to inform you that you will no longer have to see Dr.Jauregui. "

"What?" I snapped. "Am I going home?" Well, I don't have a home so.

"No. You're getting a new doctor. "

"Who the hell might that be?"

"Me." He said straightening out his tie.

"I don't think so." I giggled. "I'd be dammed if I share my personal life with you."

"I'm not giving you a choice Camila. Lauren isn't coming-"

"Matthew,  why are you harassing my patient?"


"I wasn't harassing her." He laughs.  "Friendly conversation. Right Camila?" He asks me but , directing his attention to Lauren.

"How about I friendly shove my foot up your-"

"Camila,  that's enough."  Lauren said cutting me off.


"Camila,  can you go to my office?"

"Fine." I mumbled storming out of Dr. Andrews office.


"Where have you been?!" Matthew asks raising his voice.

"Does it truly matter Matthew?"

"You've been gone for four months Lauren. " Well no shit.

"I'm glad you can count." I smirk.

"I should fire you!"

"You'd fire me Matthew?" I ask. "I don't think you should after all I've done for you?"

"Don't bring that up at my job Lauren. " He hissed.

"Don't hit on my patient. " I said in the same tone. "Keep your eyes to yourself. That's what got me here in the first place"


"Don't "Lauren.." me I let you use me and it costed me alot."



"Where were you Lauren?" She asks.

"You know Camila..I needed time-"

I felt the sting of the pain across my left cheek. I brought my right hand up to my cheek and caressed.

"Did you just hit me?"

"I'm sorry,  I didn't mean to. I was upset." She said covering her mouth shaking her hand.

"Oh , so you go around hitting people?"

"Lauren, you know I didn't mean that.."

"Tell that to my cheek." I chuckled.

This is the pain Emily must have experienced. Just kidding,  I highly doubt that. Camila beat the daylights out of Emily within three minutes. Her slapping me is nothing.

"I'm sorry Camila." I sighed running my hand through my hair, walking closer to her.

"I don't forgive you."

"You don't?" I ask tilting my head to one side.

"No." She pouted.

"Forgive me and I'll hug you."

"I don't want hugs." She giggles.

"Too bad"

I quickly grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into a tight hug squeezing her.

"Lauren let go of me."

"No, not until you forgive me Camila. " I smiled squeezing her harder.

"Okay.  Okay.  I forgive you."

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to my cheek. "

I loosened my grip on her letting my arms fall down to her waist. Camila wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my cheek taking me by surprise. I felt my blood rushing from my head to somewhere else. I quickly backed away from Camila.

"My cheek feels better. " I cleared my throat.  "Thank you."

"Lauren what was-"

"I'll see you tomorrow Camila. "  I said running out of my office.

A/N : I've literally been writing this since yesterday night after the last update.

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