Chapter 33

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Spending my birthday in this hell hole isn't what I planned on doing-staying here this long wasn't planned either.

All morning I've been sitting here watching the rain dance across my window pane. Rain, on my birthday, kind of depressing isn't? Then again, my whole life is depressing. So, in a sense, I guess they go great together.

"Twenty years old huh?" I turned from my window to see Brian sitting on the metal death trap. I gave him a light smile and faced the window once more. "Think about it, in another year, you'll be able to legally do the things you have already done."

I couldn't help but let out a stifled laugh. Brian was a big goof, I liked that about him. Everyone could use a good laugh, they say it helps you live longer but, what I never understood was, why woule people want to?

Take a look around, the society, families,  the world we live in, secretly want the worst for you.

"Seems that way."

"You're not going to stay pinned up in your room all day Mila, are you?" He asks looking at me incredulously.

"That was the plan." I said softly following the rain on the window with my finger.

"Come on. " He said pushing himself off of my desk. "I refuse to let you stay here." He smiled.

"For the first time in our friendship,  you're starting to creep me out."

"Why?" He chuckled.

"Look at how you're acting." I giggled gesturing him.

"In all honesty,  I always wanted a little sister, so you're the closest thing I got kiddo."


"Where are you taking me?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm not taking you anywhere." He seemed to be dying from my question.  What was so funny?

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not taking you anywhere."

"Then why the hell are we out here Brian." I hissed.

"You know when people bring you outside food. You should be forever grateful." He replied.

"You bought me food!" I said practically attacking him. "Is it McDonald's?"

"No and No." He smiled.

"I hope you like pizza." I turned around to see familiar strangers.

"Who doesn't. " I laughed.

"Camila,  you know Normani. " Brian said. Normani waved at me. "I'll let you guys bond or whatever girls do."

"I thought you said you wanted a sister." I called out to Brian watching her go back towards to hospital door.

"I did but, not that bad. " He winked at me going back inside.

"Men." Normani shook her head.


"Slow down Camila,  there's like two boxes of pizza." Dinah said watching me eat.

"I'm not taking any chances." I replied with a mouth full of food.

"Why did you guys do this?" I ask swallowing the food.

"It was Lauren's idea, she payed for it and everything. " Normani replied.

"She did this?" I groaned. "Why?"

"Why wouldn't she? She cares about you."

"Yeah fucking right." I mumbled.

Everytime, Everytime I want to dislike her. She does something to make me feel bad about the things I say or do to her.

"You kind of hurt her feelings." Normani said picking up a slice of pizza.

Lauren has feelings? I mean that is hard to believe,  like have they not seen her.

"I'll be back." I got up from the bench and ran inside.


"Camila?" Lauren said looking up from her papers. "Are you okay?" She asked coming closer to me.

Without thinking,  I lounged myself at her,  pressing my lips against hers. I quickly pulled back.


"I'm sorry. " I said running out of the office.

"Camila wait!"

A/N : soon meant soon.

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