Chapter 10

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Why are they making me get a "roommate" there is barely enough room in here for me, sharing is not always caring. In this case, I don't care to share with whoever this broad was. I sure as hell won't befriend her, she stays in her corner and I'll stay in mine..

"Camila?" I look up from my journal to see Brian with the brat that was going to be my roommate.

"This is her?"

"Emily, this is Camila, she's gonna be your roommate."

I looked at her from head to toe. She must have been no older than sixteen, she had long brown hair and a perfect tan.

"Your corner is over there." I informed her as I went back to my writing. "See you later, Brian."

"See you, Mila." He smiled. "Emily, I'll be back in a few minutes to take you to see Dr. Jauregui."

"Okay, cool." She replied shyly.


"What do you mean Emily is my new patient? I can barely handle Camila."

"Just like I said Lauren, she's gonna be here soon. Here's her file." He says handing me the folder.

"No." I said closing it, handing it back to him.

"You have no choice." He says as he exits my office closing the door behind him.

"Motherfucker." I mumbled slamming my fist against the desk.

My door slowly crept open. "Dr. Jauregui?"


She nodded and looked down at her feet.

"Come in." I exhaled running a hand through my hair .


"I don't know, Vanessa, dealing with Camila is enough."

"Lauren, you need to help that girl..obviously she's ill." She said handing me a beer.

"I don't think I can handle them at the same time, Camila hasn't even opened up to me and Andrew just throws Emily on me."

The doorbell rang and I looked over at Vanessa.

"Not my turn." She smiled.

I got up off the couch and jogged to the front door.

"It was your turn!" I yelled before opening up the door.

I was suprised as I came to realize who stood in front of me. "Laurenza!" She yelled pulling me into a hug.

"Dinah! You didn't tell me you were coming."

"I told your girlfriend." She smiled.

Why do people keep saying that, she is my fiancee.

"What are you doing here?" I asked pulling her inside.

"Vanessa helped me get a job in her unit, so I moved out here."

"Why didn't I know?"

"Would have ruined the surprise."

"Hey, Dinah." Vanessa gave her a kiss on the cheek and an extremely long hug.


"Is Dr. Jauregui your doctor?" Emily asked as she threw a paper ball acrosd the room.

"Yes, she is my doctor."  I rolled my eyes. "Why?"

"She's hot isn't she." Emily smirked.


'Come on, look at her. Her body is amazing."

"Will you shut up? God, you've been here less than two days and you've managed to kill my brain cells with your stupidity and annoying tendencies."

'I'm just saying, I'd tap that."

"God, you're  stupid do you realize that you're sixteen and she's twenty-five. Lauren will never go for someone like you. " I chuckled.

"Better me than you." She replied.

I was about to respond but, Brian walked in.

"Emily, Dr. Jauregui wants to see you."

She looked over at me and winked before walking out of the room.

A/N : Emily is Madison Beer, poor Emily..she won't see it coming.

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