Chapter 21

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I feel like I was kind of harsh with Lauren but, it's for her own good. She has a good heart, I don't need her getting attached to me.  That'll ruin everything. I just want her to do her job and find out what's wrong with me so I can get the hell out of here.


"Yeah Brian?" I hope he doesn't say Lauren wants me, I haven't seen her in three days, she's seen Brian and Daniel because they told me but, she hasn't once called me to her office since that night.

"Someone is here to see you."

"Who the hell is here to see me?"

"That's for me not to know and for you to find out." He smirked.


"Who the hell is that?" I ask looking at the person who's back is facing us.

"I don't know but, you'll find out." Brian replied. "Call me if you need me." I ndded and walked away.

I took a deep breath and slowly walked over to the table with the unknown person waiting for me.

As I became close enough they turned to face. It's always someone I don't want to see.

"It's good to see you Camila." He smiled.

"Speak for yourself. "

"Same old Mila eh?" He chuckles.

"Same old jackass." I huffed.

"Camila,  that was years ago."

"I don't care if it was yesterday. Why are you here?"

This is worst than my "parents" coming to visit me. I need to get visiting limitations.

"When are you going to get out of this nut house Mila?"

"When I'm done collecting all of my nuts." I replied.

"Cute." He scoffed. "Things were alot easier when you were a cute kid."

"Too bad I'm not one."

"Dallas won't be happy about you not coming back." He said checking his watch.

"Tell Dallas he can fuck off." I groaned getting up out of my seat, I brushed past him and he stood up quickly blocking me from moving further.

"I miss you too Mila.." He says reaching for my hand. I back away from him.

"Goodbye Austin. "


"Do you mind if I have some water?"  I ask the nurse.

"Here you go deary." She smiles giving me the cup.

"Thank you?" I said suscpiously watching her quickly walk away. I bring the cup up to my mouth slowly drinking the water.

Who is this lady and where is Brian?


God why are you punishing me?

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"I need to see you in my"

"I'm not going anywhere with you. I already told you-"

"I'm not giving you a choice, unless you want me to tell Lauren to put you on the medication.  I'd advise you come with me." They whispered in my ear tightly gripping my forearm.


"Why am I here?"

"You don't know?" He laughs.

"Look, whatever sick game you're trying to play with me isn't cute. I'm leaving." I said bolting for the door, I turned the knob but the door wouldn't budge.

"What the hell!" I said jiggling the knob.

"It's not going to unlock unless I push this button. " He says waving the control around in his hand. "Have a seat Camila. " He smiled taking off his white coat.

"I'd rather not." He laughs and moves closer to me.

"I wasn't giving you an option Ms. Cabello" He whispers in my ear, gripping my hair with one of his hands. He walks me over to the chair in front of his desk and forcefully sits me down in it.

"How are you Camila?" He smirks sitting in front of me on his desk.

"I don't know you tell me Doctor." I rolled my eyes and turned from him. He gets off his desk and grabs the chair next to me positioning it in front of me before sitting in it.

"Come on Camila, don't be that way with me." He says running his hand up my leg stopping when he reached my thigh. I tensed up disgusting by his touch.

"You're sick!" I spat.

"So are you."He winked moving his hand up further.

"You wouldn't be doing this if Lauren was here. "

"Lauren isn't here" He whispers.

She promised.

A/N : I had to put Austin in here somewhere but, it's the only time I mention him. Poor Camila. .

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