Chapter 36

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"Dr. Andrews, I need to speak with you." I said standing in front of him with my head down.

"What is it Camila?" He sighed placing a hand over his mouth.

"She didn't do it."


"Dr. Jauregui didn't rape Jamie." I said firmly.

"How would you know." He snapped. "You don't know anything about her!"

"Look shit head." I said throwing the red journal at him. "Jamie had planned this. She came onto Lauren-She rejected her."

"Oh my god."

"Why are you still here?" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"Lauren has a record, she done things-"

"I'll do it myself!".


"We're sorry for the inconvenience Ms. Jauregui." The officers said as one of the unlocked the handcuffs.

Not like I haven't been accused of rape before.

"You're lucky it wasn't like the last time Lauren!" Mike said as we stepped out of the precinct into the parking lot.

"It wasn't me. You know that!"

"I don't care. Do you know how much you cost me Lauren!"

"Is that all your worried about? Your damn money!"

"Lauren you know I don't mean-"

"Lauren." A voice called out. Jacob. "Let's go."

"What? You're calling in step dad now?" Mike growled grabbing my wrist.

"Better dad than you ever were." I spat jerking my wrist away from him.

Jacob stands a few feet away from us hold the car door open. "We're not done with this Lauren." Mike said.

"Sure thing Mike." I smirked placing a cigarette in my mouth as I walked towards Jacob.

"Thanks for coming." I said as I got into the car.

"Don't I always?" Jacob said closing the car door.


"Lauren are you-"

"Don't talk to me." I hissed.

"Come on Laurenza." Dinah said throwing his arm over my shoulder pushing Matthew out of our way. "I know you didn't do."

"Tell that to the rest of the fucking hospital." I scoffed.

"I don't have to..Camila did."

"She what?"

"She's the one who called the police and set the record straight and Jamie was brought up on sexual harassment charges." Isn't that a relief. "Because of her, your here. She saved your ass. Funny how Camila keeps doing that eh?" Dinah smirked.

"Is she still here?"

"I don't know. You should find out Casanova."


Knock! Knock!

I turn around to her standing in the doorway.

"Do you have a minute?"

"Do you see where we are Lauren?" I chuckled as I rolled my eyes. "All I have is time until I get released-whenever that is." I added.

"Come take a walk with me."

"Is that against the rules?"

"Who cares. We've broken like 99 already." She laughed.

She had a point. One more couldn't hurt.


"Is this what you do? Take all your patients out on walks as the sunsets?" I said as we sat on the concrete bench.

"No, just the ones who save my ass from going to federal prison."

"Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"That you-"

Lauren looked at me liked I stabbed her in the heart. I immediately regretted even thinking to ask.

"Camila, I was young okay." She turned from me and set her eyes on the reflection of the sky in the pond. "It was for a friend. I took responsibility for their actions. I never did what everyone thought. It costed my parents 6.2 million dollars to 'Make It Go Away" but, it never did. Isabella Thompson. That was her name. I never forgave myself-"

"You don't have to convince me Lauren,  I'm not a grand jury."

I never read the reports, something told me I didn't need to.

"Why did you do it? Why did you help me?"

"That's what friends do." I simply said.

"Us?" She looked at me once more. "Friends?"

"Isn't that how you start off a friendship?"

"No, you start off a friendship with honesty and trust."

"Are you rejecting my friendship request?" I joked trying to sound offended.

"I never said that Camila." She smiled nudging me. "I'm just confused, I can't keep up with you."

"What's there to keep up with?" I giggled placing my hand over hers.

"I don't're just like the weather." She said turning her whole body so now she was completely facing me. "One minute you hate me and the next your being nice to me. I don't get you and it makes me-"

"I get it. I can't promise you tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and be your friend, I know me. You know me. I try Lauren.  I'm trying but there's something wrong and I don't know you-What are you staring at?"


Lauren wrapped her arms around my waist tightly. She leaned in, barely placing her lips on mine.

My lips moved against Lauren’s inexpertly. I really had no idea what I was doing but it felt-it felt like this was inevitable. The way my body was aching and soothing at the same time. The way my mind was in a whirl of electricity volts, shocking me every time Lauren’s teeth would graze against mine mouth.

I tried not to show she didn’t know what she was doing  She could feel Lauren smirking into the kiss.

Lauren pulled away, gasping for air, her eyes flew open to find the other me slightly winded. The lack of oxygen didn’t even seem to faze the me l because I dove right back in, attacking Lauren’s lips with a frenzied fervor.

My pulse raced violently, when Lauren’s nails scratched lightly at the small of my back. My stomach was a dancing mess, toppling over when Lauren’s lips parted against mine. A warm wet tongue flicked at my lips, hesitating, perhaps giving me a small second to catch my breath before it pried open my mouth roughly. The new sensation of the wet stroking hadn’t even lasted long before a low throaty moan escaped my mouth.

Lauren quickly pulled back breaking the kiss. "Fuck." Lauren groaned hitting herself with the palm of her hand with her palm. "I can't do this." She whispered.

A/N :  YASSSSS!!!!!

Remember the girl with the boyfriend? That kissed me. She asked me was I straight.

I died laughing. I thought like she knew.

People at school and my mom think she's my girlfriend. I am perfectly fine with that. I think everyone can appreciate a cute girl or guy that plays soccer

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